Data and metadata required for model development and testing
Here we attach the files that are necessary for the model development and training for the MIDL 2024 submission. We include the:
- pretrained_models - this folder holds the three pre-trained models for the metadata only (random forest classifier based), images only (CNN-based), images+metadata (CNN-based).
- metadata_only_model.pkl
- images_only_model/
- images_only_model_fold0/
- images_only_model_fold1/
- images_only_model_fold2/
- images_only_model_fold3/
- images_and_metadata_model/
- images_and_metadata_fold0/
- images_and_metadata_fold1/
- images_and_metadata_fold2/
- images_and_metadata_fold3/
- scaling_factors.csv - csv file used for scaling the metatdata
- npy_files/ - this holds the preprocessed mid 2D slices used for training/validation/testing. They are numbered by SOPInstanceUID.
- df_gt_results.csv - csv that holds necessary data for each slice included, for instance PatientID, SeriesInstanceUID, other DICOM metadata used for classification