1. A simple gstreamer pipeline and run using gst-launch command line tool to read the mp4 video file, scale down the input to 640x640 resolution and write JPEG encoded frames.
cd into 1_stream_to_frames directory.
Run the shell script and pass two command line arguments:
argv[1]: Path to the mp4 file (I used./sample_video/sample_1.mp4
argv[2]: Name of the output folder (I usedout_1
for sample_1.mp4 andout_1_2
for sample_3.mp4)So it looks something like this:
$ ./stream_to_frames.sh ./sample_video/sample_1.mp4 out_1
The output will be in the same directory with the name you gave when running the command.
2: A C++ application to read each JPEG frame one by one. Uses OpenCV’s pre-trained XML classifier for detecting faces from the image and crop it. Creates a frame wise folder structure of cropped faces.
cd into 2_CaptureFaces directory.
Run the command:
$ cmake .
To build the VS Solution.note: If you want to change the directory from which the C++ application takes input of the frames from, let's say you want to change the folder from
Open CMakeLists.txt in a file editor.
Locate the
set_target_properties(CaptureFaces PROPERTIES VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS "../1_stream_to_frames/out_1_2/")
command and change the command line argument:
set_target_properties(CaptureFaces PROPERTIES VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS "//Enter changed directory here.//")
Let's say if you want to take input from out_1 in the 1_stream_to_frames directory, then it will look something like this:
set_target_properties(CaptureFaces PROPERTIES VS_DEBUGGER_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS "../1_stream_to_frames/out_1/")
save and exit and start from step 1.
Open the 'CaptureFaces.sln' file in Visual Studio and there you have the C++ Application project.