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feat: add prompt explorer ui (#1)
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PiotrFalkiewicz authored and mhordynski committed Sep 4, 2024
1 parent 0f347e0 commit c934ecb
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Showing 14 changed files with 608 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions packages/ragnarok-dev-kit/pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
requires = ["setuptools >= 40.9.0", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions packages/ragnarok-dev-kit/setup.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
name = ragnarok-dev-kit
version = 0.0.1
description = "dev kit for ragnarok framework"
author =
author_email = [email protected]
license = Other/Proprietary License
license_files =
classifiers =
Development Status :: 1 - Planning
Environment :: Console
Intended Audience :: Science/Research
License :: Other/Proprietary License
Natural Language :: English
Operating System :: Independent
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
Topic :: AI
Private :: Do Not Upload

zip_safe = False
platforms = any
include_package_data = True
python_requires = >=3.10
install_requires =

litellm =

local =


universal = 1

# Alias ` test` to ` pytest`
test = pytest
Empty file.
Empty file.
289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions packages/ragnarok-dev-kit/src/ragnarok_dev_kit/app/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
import asyncio
from typing import Any

import gradio as gr
import jinja2
import typer
from pydantic import BaseModel

from ragnarok_common.llms import LiteLLM
from ragnarok_common.llms.clients import LiteLLMOptions
from ragnarok_dev_kit.discovery.prompt_discovery import PromptDiscovery

class PromptState:
Class to store the current state of the application.
This class holds various data structures used throughout the application's lifecycle.
prompts_state (dict): A dictionary containing discovered prompts. Keys are prompt names,
values are details about the corresponding Prompt-based class.
variable_values (dict): A dictionary to store values entered by the user for prompt input fields.
dynamic_tb (dict): A dictionary containing dynamically created textboxes based on prompt input fields.
current_prompt (Prompt): The currently processed Prompt object. This is created upon clicking the
"Render Prompt" button and reflects in the "Rendered Prompt" field.
It is used for communication with the LLM.
llm_model_name (str): The name of the selected LLM model.
llm_api_key (str): The API key for the chosen LLM model.
temp_field_name (str): Temporary field name used internally.

prompts_state: dict = {}
variable_values: dict = {}
dynamic_tb: dict = {}
current_prompt = None
llm_model_name: str = ""
llm_api_key: str = ""
temp_field_name: str = ""

def get_prompts_list(path: str, state: gr.State) -> gr.State:
Fetches a list of prompts based on provided paths.
This function takes a comma-separated string of paths to prompt definition files and uses the
PromptDiscovery class to discover prompts within those files. The discovered prompts are then
stored in the application state object.
path (str): A comma-separated string of paths to prompt definition files.
state (gr.State): The Gradio state object to update with discovered prompts.
gr.State: The updated Gradio state object containing the list of discovered prompts.
prompt_paths: list[str] = path.split(",")

obj = PromptDiscovery(file_paths=prompt_paths)
discovered_prompts =

return state

def display_data(key: str, state: PromptState) -> tuple[gr.Textbox, gr.Textbox]:
Displays system and user prompts for a given key from the prompts state.
This function retrieves the system and user prompt text associated with a particular prompt key
from the application state and creates Gradio Textbox elements for them.
key (str): The key of the prompt to display data for in the prompts state.
state (PromptState): The application state object containing prompt data.
tuple[gr.Textbox, gr.Textbox]: A tuple containing two Gradio Textbox elements,
one for the system prompt and one for the user prompt.
data = state.prompts_state[key]

system_prompt_text = gr.Textbox(label="System Prompt", value=data["system_prompt"])
user_prompt_text = gr.Textbox(label="User Prompt", value=data["user_prompt"])

return system_prompt_text, user_prompt_text

def render_prompt(
key: str, system_prompt: str, user_prompt: str, state: gr.State, *args: Any
) -> tuple[str, str, gr.State]:
Renders a prompt based on the provided key, system prompt, user prompt, and input variables.
This function constructs a Prompt object using the prompt constructor and input constructor
associated with the given key. It then updates the current prompt in the application state.
key (str): The key of the prompt to render.
system_prompt (str): The system prompt template for the prompt.
user_prompt (str): The user prompt template for the prompt.
state (PromptState): The application state object.
args (tuple): A tuple of input values for the prompt.
tuple[str, str, PromptState]: A tuple containing the rendered system prompt, rendered user prompt,
and the updated application state.
variables = dict(zip(state.dynamic_tb.keys(), args))

prompt_constructor = state.prompts_state[key]["object"]
prompt_constructor.system_prompt_template = jinja2.Template(system_prompt)
prompt_constructor.user_prompt_template = jinja2.Template(user_prompt)

input_constructor = state.prompts_state[key]["input_type"]

prompt_object = prompt_constructor(input_data=input_constructor(**variables))
state.current_prompt = prompt_object

chat_dict = {entry["role"]: entry["content"] for entry in}

return chat_dict["system"], chat_dict["user"], state

def send_prompt_to_llm(state: gr.State) -> str:
Sends the current prompt to the LLM and returns the response.
This function creates a LiteLLM client using the LLM model name and API key stored in the
application state. It then calls the LLM client to generate a response based on the current prompt.
state (gr.State): The application state object.
str: The response generated by the LLM.
current_prompt = state.current_prompt

llm_client = LiteLLM(model_name=state.llm_model_name, api_key=state.llm_api_key)

response =, options=LiteLLMOptions()))
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
response = str(e)

return response

def get_input_type_fields(obj: BaseModel) -> list[dict]:
Retrieves the field names and default values from the input type of a prompt.
This function inspects the input type object associated with a prompt and extracts information
about its fields, including their names and default values.
obj (BaseModel): The input type object of the prompt.
list[dict]: A list of dictionaries, each containing a field name and its default value.
return [
{"field_name": k, "field_default_value": v["schema"].get("default", None)}
for (k, v) in obj.__pydantic_core_schema__["schema"]["fields"].items()

typer_app = typer.Typer(no_args_is_help=True)

def run_app(prompts_paths: str, llm_model: str, llm_api_key: str = None) -> None:
Launches the interactive application for working with Large Language Models (LLMs).
This function serves as the entry point for the application. It performs several key tasks:
1. Initializes the application state using the PromptState class.
2. Sets the LLM model name and API key based on user-provided arguments.
3. Fetches a list of prompts from the specified paths using the get_prompts_list function.
4. Creates a Gradio interface with various UI elements:
- A dropdown menu for selecting prompts.
- Textboxes for displaying and potentially modifying system and user prompts.
- Textboxes for entering input values based on the selected prompt.
- Buttons for rendering prompts, sending prompts to the LLM, and displaying the response.
prompts_paths (str): A comma-separated string of paths to prompt definition files.
llm_model (str): The name of the LLM model to use.
llm_api_key (str): The API key for the chosen LLM model.
with gr.Blocks() as gr_app:
prompt_state_obj = PromptState()
prompt_state_obj.llm_model_name = llm_model
prompt_state_obj.llm_api_key = llm_api_key

prompts_state = gr.State(value=prompt_state_obj)

prompts_state = get_prompts_list(path=prompts_paths, state=prompts_state)

# Load some values on initialization of the project
# 1) List of available prompts (based on paths provided by user
# 2) Select first prompt as loaded by default
# 3) Set init values of "rendered" fields

prompts_list = list(prompts_state.value.prompts_state.keys())
initial_prompt_key = prompts_list[0]
system_prompt_value = prompts_state.value.prompts_state[initial_prompt_key]["system_prompt"]
user_prompt_value = prompts_state.value.prompts_state[initial_prompt_key]["user_prompt"]

prompt_selection_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(choices=prompts_list, value=initial_prompt_key, label="Select Prompt")

list_of_vars = []

@gr.render(inputs=[prompt_selection_dropdown, prompts_state])
def show_split(key: str, state: gr.State) -> None:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
with gr.Tab("Inputs"):
if key != "":
input_fields: list = get_input_type_fields(state.prompts_state[key]["input_type"])
tb_dict = {}
for entry in input_fields:
with gr.Row():
var = gr.Textbox(

tb_dict[entry["field_name"]] = var

state.dynamic_tb = tb_dict

render_prompt_button = gr.Button(value="Render prompts")

with gr.Column(scale=4):
with gr.Tab("Prompt"):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
prompt_details_system_prompt = gr.Textbox(
label="System Prompt", value=system_prompt_value, interactive=True

with gr.Column():
prompt_details_system_prompt_rendered = gr.Textbox(
label="Rendered System Prompt", value="", interactive=False

with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
prompt_details_user_prompt = gr.Textbox(
label="User Prompt", value=user_prompt_value, interactive=True

with gr.Column():
prompt_details_user_prompt_rendered = gr.Textbox(
label="Rendered User Prompt", value="", interactive=False

llm_request_button = gr.Button(value="Send to LLM")
llm_prompt_response = gr.Textbox(lines=10, label="LLM response")

[prompt_selection_dropdown, prompts_state],
[prompt_details_system_prompt, prompt_details_user_prompt],
[prompt_details_system_prompt_rendered, prompt_details_user_prompt_rendered, prompts_state],
), prompts_state, llm_prompt_response)


if __name__ == "__main__":
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from ragnarok_dev_kit.discovery.prompt_discovery import PromptDiscovery

__all__ = ["PromptDiscovery"]

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