The Negative Attitudes towards Robots Scale (NARS). The NARS was developed using a lexical method, in which its developers created a scale based on free-form responses from participants regarding anxieties towards robots (Nomura and Kanda 2003). This later formed the NARS Scale, and was used successfully to explain differences in participants' behaviour in live Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) studies [8, 9]. Nomura et al. [10] also examined the relationship between the NARS scale and the Robot Anxiety Scale (RAS) with participants' behaviour in a HRI trial. The NARS has also been proposed as a means of gauging changes in attitudes towards robots over time as a result of prolonged interactions [11]. These possible applications make the use of such a scale interesting for both general HRI research across different robot types, as well as studying how prolonged relationships with robot companions may influence potential users' attitudes towards robots.
Sub-scale 1: Negative Attitudes toward Situations and Interactions with Robots Sub-scale 2: Negative Attitudes toward Social Influence of Robots Sub-scale 3: Negative Attitudes toward Emotions in Interaction with Robots
1 I would feel uneasy if robots really had emotions. S2 2 Something bad might happen if robots developed into living beings. S2 3 I would feel relaxed talking with robots* S3 4 I would feel uneasy if I was given a job where I had to use robots. S1 5 If robots had emotions I would be able to make friends with them.* S3 6 I feel comforted being with robots that have emotions.* S3 7 The word “robot” means nothing to me. S1 8 I would feel nervous operating a robot in front of other people. S1 9 I would hate the idea that robots or artificial intelligences were making judgements about things. S1 10 I would feel very nervous just standing in front of a robot. S1 11 I feel that if I depend on robots too much, something bad might happen. S2 12 I would feel paranoid talking with a robot. S1 13 I am concerned that robots would be a bad influence on children. S2 14 I feel that int the future society will be dominated by robots. S2