Clients for managing your Bitcoin exchange accounts. For use in high volume trading by a control application. Differences in formatting and performance have been evened out using the tools in bitcoin_exchanges/exchange_util.py.
Currently supported exchanges are:
python setup.py install
To configure the exchange credentials, copy and paste each exchange's API keys in exchange_config.py.
Next, create a mongo collection for tracking nonce's, and save the connected collection object to exchange_config.nonceDB.
This is only required for BTC-E, because their nonce max is very low. Mongo is heavy for this task, but convenient for the original authors. Feel free to abstract it, if any BTC-E users particularly hate mongoDB.
from pymongo import Connection
nonceDB = Connection().nonce_database['nonce']
Move the file to a safe directory and give it read only permissions. Export the directory path to the environmental variable BITCOIN_EXCHANGE_CONFIG_DIR. You may have to repeat this each session. Use permanent settings like .bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile or similar.
Example commands in linux:
mkdir /etc/exchanges/
cp exchange_config.py /etc/exchanges/
chmod 400 /etc/exchanges/exchange_config.py
export BITCOIN_EXCHANGE_CONFIG_DIR="/etc/exchanges/"
For detailed examples, see test/clients.py. Basically, if you have everything configured correctly, you can do stuff like this:
from bitcoin_exchanges.exchange_util import get_live_exchange_workers
EXCHANGE = get_live_exchange_workers()
for exch in EXCHANGE:
balance = EXCHANGE[exch].exchange.get_balance()
print "%s balance is currently %r" % (exch, balance)
if balance.getMoneys('USD') > 1000:
# Cheap bitcoins! Warning, this will market buy bitcoins on every live exchange :D
# EXCHANGE[exch].exchange.create_order(amount=1, price=1000, otype='bid')
print "toilet paper"