SprkShares project for CIS4301
SprkShare is a place where fellow members are able to share posts in the goal of getting a specific goal accomplished. Posts that other people like are then "shared". Posts that are not liked by people are not shared. There is a specific quota that must be in a certain amount of time met so that a post can become permanent, otherwise it is deleted.
Members are able to comment on posts to make the goal come to fruition.Sprk it!
- Node.js installed... http://nodejs.org/
- NPM (node package manager) installed (usually installed when Node.js is installed)
- PostgresSQL installed on local host...
PSQL Mac: http://postgresapp.com/
PSQL Windows: http://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/
Running SprkShare Locally:
Start/Open PostgresSQL
- Copy and paste other/Tables/TableCreation-1.1.sql into postgres
- Copy and paste other/Tables/inserData.sql into postgres
Start listening on port 5000 for client connections. In the project root directory execute:
$npm start
Example output:
nodemon app.js
30 Aug 18:02:53 - [nodemon] v1.0.17
30 Aug 18:02:53 - [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter 'rs'
30 Aug 18:02:53 - [nodemon] watching: *.*
30 Aug 18:02:53 - [nodemon] starting 'node app.js'
Listening on port 5000
Daily deletion successfully executed -
Open a web browser and enter "localhost:5000" as the URL
SprkShare should be up and running
- When a user creates a new post and is redirected to the new post, the new post is not displayed