Please open all issues with this template on the main DelaneyMethod repo.
This is the official DelaneyMethod Project Template.
We use this template at DelaneyMethod to deliver static code for our main website.
It has a Gulp-powered build system with these features:
- Handlebars HTML templates with Panini
- Sass compilation and prefixing
- JavaScript Concatenation with ES6 (Babel) Standards
- Linting
- BrowserSync
- Materialize
- jQuery
- CraftCMS Content Management System
- For production builds:
- CSS compression
- JavaScript compression
- Image compression
To manually set up the template, first download it with Git:
git clone
Then open the folder in your command line, and install the needed dependencies:
npm install
bower install
Finally, run npm start
to run Gulp. Your static site will be created in a folder called dist
, viewable at this URL:
To create compressed, production-ready assets, run npm run build