Hexa can be considered a light way Framework.
It is optimized for the appliance of best practices (BDD, TDD, Design, easier to refactor).
Well, actually all depends on you but at least it doesn't limit you (you know, usually your logic depends on the framework when should be the opposite).
I encourage you to see this keynote which was the starting motivation of Hexa
Embrace separation of concerns
Its primary design mission is to keep side-effects, business-logic, and presentation-logic separated from each other.
It is Use-Case centered
A use-case is defined as a set of actions reflecting user-intentions coming from the browser to the system.
In order to allow features scalability without making your code a mess. This "framework" divides the whole application into smaller applications. Each of these smaller applications represents just one use case.
These small applications follow a hexagonal architecture
So each use-case has its own API - BusinessLogic - DBAccess
within a small scope that you can easily navigate.
The fact that is use-case centered suggests that you can take advantage of documenting your DSS I know, maintaining that is a pain in the ass, but working on a big project with many other devs is the high-level picture that you would wish to have.
Starts a web server connected to a database
$> docker-compose up --build
Loads gems, files under /lib
$> ./bin/console
$> ./bin/db/console
$> ./bin/sequel_console
$> ./bin/db/create
$> ./bin/db/drop
RACK_ENV sets the current environment .env variables are loaded into ENV Check .env.template
$> bin/db/migrate
START Running Migrations ...
FINISH Running Migrations ...
If you want to rollback you need to specify the version to which you want to rollback
$> ./bin/db/rollback 20201011091343
$> ./bin/db/dump
$> cat db/schema.rb
Tests recreate a sqlite in memory db when running them.
$> bundle exec rspec
$> ./bin/db/seed
$> ./bin/db/tables
Requires environment variable APP_ROOT='/app' in heorku.
$> git push heroku master
$> docker compose up --build
$> docker exec -it hexa_rack bash -l