Docker image for using apache 2.4.46 + php 7.4.15. You can copy your website to the container.
How to run it on your computer?
- create docker image, for example by cmd
docker build -t apache-php-alpine:latest .
- create docker container from image
docker create --name apache apache-php-alpine
- start container
docker start apache
There is the simplest way to start the image. It has a default page 'It works!' and a 'index.php' page with php info.
How to add my website to a container?
- create docker image(see previous section)
- create docker container
docker create -h [YOUR CONTAINER HOSTNAME] -e DOCUMENT_ROOT=[ENTRY POINT DIRECTORY NAME, default public_html] --name apache apache-php-alpine
- copy your zip website to the container
docker cp apache:/home/
You should copy your zip file to /home direcory with name same as CONTAINER HOSTNAME
- start container
docker start apache