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Cortex XSOAR VSCode Plugin

Work with Visual Studio Code to edit, validate and format your Cortex XSOAR integrations and automations.

To start using the extension, first of all, install demisto-sdk.

You can also use the XSOAR: Install/Update Demisto-SDK command.


  • XSOAR: Load integration/Script: Loads an integration or a script to the UI.
  • XSOAR: Demisto-SDK Validate/Lint: Run linters and validators on opened file directory.
  • XSOAR: Demisto-SDK Update Release Notes: Update release notes of the opened file's pack.
  • You can also run the commands directry from the explorer menu:


Local Environment (LINUX or MacOS)

Execute the command XSOAR: Install XSOAR local development environment. This will install local development environment with demisto-sdk and will configure the demisto-sdk with XSOAR. If Homebrew is available, you can choose to install any of python, poetry, node, docker or pyenv.

Remote Environment (All OS)

Or you can follow this guide to configure a fully configured remote development environnement, with demisto-sdk and more features preinstalled.

Demisto-SDK Path

The default behavior of the extension when running a demisto-sdk command is to run demisto-sdk <command>. You can set a different demisto-sdk path (if you want to run always on the same demisto-sdk or when you're using a tool like pipx). You can set the xsoar.demisto-sdk.Path to the demisto-sdk executable.

Auto Linters

The Cortex XSOAR extension will automatically use the demisto-sdk to lint (code files) and validate (.yml files) your packs.

To turn on auto-linters in your workspace, set the xsoar.autoFindProblems.readProblems setting to true. To control the auto-lints behaviour:

  • xsoar.linter.[linter-name].enable: Whether to enable the auto-lint. Default to false.

  • xsoar.linter.[linter-name].patterns: Which file patterns (glob) to run with the linter.

The linters will write its data to the path configured in xsoar.autoFindProblems.reportPath, which is also the file that VSCode takes the problems from.

If you wish to see the process running (or check why it's failing or not working), change xsoar.linter.showOnSaveTerminal to true.

Auto Save

By default, the extension will automatically save changes made to the integration/automation file made in the webview (opened with XSOAR: Load Integration/Script). to disable it, change xsoar.autoSave to false.

Configure Demisto-SDK for XSOAR

This will configure .env file with the following environment variables:

  • DEMISTO_VERIFY_SSL (Verify SSL in XSOAR, true or false)

Configure XSOAR unit tests

The extension supports configuring the integration/script unit tests.

When working on an integration or a script, you can right click on it, and click on Configure XSOAR unit tests. This will configure the XSOAR unit-tests to run and debug them in the to run from the test file or from the Test Explorer:

Test Explorer

If you there is a Pytest discovery error, there is a probably missing dependencies. Either install the missing dependencies, or use python virtual environnement instead.

Python Virtual Environment

The extension supports opening an integration or a script in their python virtual environnement.

When working on an integration or a script, you can right click on it, and click on Open integration/script in virtual environment. This will open the integration or the script in a new folder, with configured python virtual environment. This environment consists exactly the same python environment of the docker image of the integration or a script, with testing and linting libraries added.

This is the recommended way to develop and debug your integration.

NOTE: The python version that used is the one that configured in the VSCode settings. To change the python version, select a different python interpreter in VSCode.

Dev Containers (Advanced)

The extension supports opening an integration or a script in a dev container. This opens a new folder inside a container that is based upon the integration or script docker image (which is specified in their YAML file). This workspace is fully configured with Python, Pylance, flake8, mypy and pytest, allowing developing and debugging inside the integration environment.

System requirements

Windows: Docker Desktop 2.0+ on Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise. Windows 10 Home (2004+) requires Docker Desktop 2.3+ and the WSL 2 back-end. macOS: Docker Desktop 2.0+. Linux: Docker CE/EE 18.06+ and Docker Compose 1.21+

Follow the VSCode instructions for the installation process.


When working on an integration or a script, you can right click on it, and click on Open integration/script in virtual environment. This will open the integration or the script in a new folder, exactly the same environment of the docker image of the integration or a script, with testing and linting libraries added.

This is mainly used to debug your integration.

Dev Container Notes

  • Make sure you have ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers extension installed.
  • Make sure you have docker daemon running (you can check with executing docker ps).
  • The integration/script Dev Container does not have demisto-sdk or git.
  • The workspace folder is bind with the local folder. It is possible to work simultaneously on the same files locally and with Dev Container, because they are mirrored.

Python 2.* Support

Using a Python 2.* virtual environnement or container, mypy will not be able to be installed.

For debugging the tests, it is necessary to install The VSCode Python extension version 2022.2: Python 2

Python 2


Contributions are welcome and appreciated. To contribute follow the instructions below and submit a PR.

Before merging any PRs, we need all contributors to sign a contributor license agreement. By signing a contributor license agreement, we ensure that the community is free to use your contributions.

When you open a new pull request, a bot will evaluate whether you have signed the CLA. If required, the bot will comment on the pull request, including a link to accept the agreement. The CLA document is also available for review as a PDF.

If the license/cla status check remains on Pending, even though all contributors have accepted the CLA, you can recheck the CLA status by visiting the following link (replace [PRID] with the ID of your PR):[PRID] .


Dev Setup Environment

  • npm install
  • npm run compile
  • pip demisto-sdk or use pipenv to install the demisto-sdk from the Pipfile.

Main Locations

  • package.json: Define commands

  • src/extension.ts: The entry point of the extension

  • src/tests/: Location of the mocha-suite test files.

  • css/panel.css: The CSS file of script/automation webview