This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.7.1.
$ ng new cyberark-mar2018 --style scss --prefix ca --routing --inline-style --inline-template
ng serve
npm run server
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the -prod
flag for a production build.
$ npm i -g @angular/cli $ ng help $ ng new cyberark-mar2018 --style scss --prefix ca --routing --inline-style --inline-template .angular-cli.json $ ng generate module <path/to/component-name> -e $ ng generate component <path/to/directive-name> -e $ ng generate directive <path/to/module-name> -e $ ng build (--prod, --env=prod, --target=production) $ ng test, ng e2e, ng lint $ npm i -g http-server $ npm i -g source-map-explorer
augury ngrev codelyzer (comes with a new Angular project) redux devtools
decorators @ spread operator ... let and const vs. var () => vs. function
import { Named } from './my-module'; // export class Named {} import { Named as Aliased } from './my-module'; // export class Named {} import Default from './my-module'; // export default class Whatever {} import Default as Alias from './my-module'; // export default class Whatever {} import * as All from './my-module'; // export default class Whatever {}
- npm i -g typescript
- tsc index.ts
- tsc --init
- tsconfig.json - rootDir, outDir
- @Component - decorator
- npm i -g @angular/compiler
- npm i -g @angular/compiler-cli
- ngc
Read about history API
Day 1
- Intro
- Component Concepts
- Bindings
- Component hierarchy, Input and Output
- Angular CLI
- ngIf and ngFor
- module system basics
- content projection
Day 2
- Demistify npm & typescript
- ngSwitch
- Creating a Custom Directive
- Change detection & Zones explained
- Writing Services
- Dependency Injection
- Pipes
- Routing
- Bonus - dynamic content creation, writing structural directives
Day 3
- Http
- rxJS basics
- lifecycle hooks
- Template Forms basic
- "2 way binding"
- Reactive Forms, Form Builder
- Form customization
- Custom Validations
Day 4
- State Management using ngRX / Redux
- Flux concepts
- Designing the state
- Writing actions / reducers
- Working with immutable data
- Selectors
- Middlewares / Effects
- Make the event fire only when going out of the field, or when pressing enter
- Make different types of elements with a 'tag' property
- Make it so that not every character invokes changing the property, but after there's a 300ms of "silence"
Write a directive called 'scrollDetect' that adds the class 'scrolled' to an element if the window is scrolled down more than 10px, and removes it if the window is scrolled less than 50px. 1.1 allow the user to specify the scroll threshold (50px as default) 1.2. allow the user to also specify the name of the class (scrolled) is default
- This exercise requires research. Open file if you need help.
- Write a pipe called 'timeAgo' that takes a date object and outputs a string in the format 'X hours ago', 'X minutes ago' (if it's less than an hour), 'X seconds ago' (if it's less than a minute). 2.1 Make it update automatically as time goes by
- Implement update when we are in /editor/:id
- Implement custom validator
- Add a project selector to the application header:
- Fetch all projects from the server
- Display select box, the options are project IDs
- When selecting a projectId - navigate to that project (editor/:id)
- Angular animations
- Angular universal
- RxJS
- Webpack
- npm
- Typescript
Useful links:
check what else can be transferred to HostListener next assignment - use ngZone to make the scroll detect more performant Next course - put styles in external CSS so it saves time