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csaladenes authored Nov 22, 2024
1 parent 811a640 commit 5d17e2f
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 2 deletions.
44 changes: 42 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,43 @@
# gem
[Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Romania](
# 🇷🇴💹📉📊 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Wiki
This Wiki guides you through the technical steps of replicating the __[🇷🇴💹📉📊 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor]( site and walks you through the technologies used to build it. For any technical or visualization-related questions you may contact [Dénes](mailto:[email protected]). For economics-related queries and anything else about the site content, or further collaborations, you may contact [Petra](mailto:[email protected]).

__👉 Start by the reading the [0. Prerequisites](

## 🇷🇴 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor România
### Proiect de cercetare și monitorizare a antreprenoriatului cu cel mai puternic impact la nivel global
GEM a fost lansat în 1999 ca un proiect de cercetare între Babson College (SUA) și London Business School (Marea Britanie). Consorțiul a devenit cea mai importantă sursă de informații fiabile privind situația antreprenoriatului și a ecosistemelor antreprenoriale din întreaga lume, publicând anual nu numai Raportul global GEM, ci și o serie de rapoarte naționale și rapoarte pe teme speciale. Primul studiu anual al GEM a acoperit 10 țări. De atunci aproximativ 120 țări din întreaga lume au participat la cercetare. Ca urmare, GEM a devenit organizația cu o rețea foarte bine pusă la punct. GEM este cel mai amplu studiu în curs de desfășurare al dinamicii antreprenoriale din lume.

În 2023 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) a adunat date privind antreprenoriatul din Ancheta populației adulte (Adult Population Survey - APS), pe baza unor interviuri extinse cu aproximativ 136 000 de persoane din 49 de țări, reprezentând 60% din populația întregii lumi și 70% din PIB-ul mondial. La Ancheta experților naționali (National Expert Survey, NES) au participat 2 000 de experți din 49 de economii.

## 🇬🇧 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Romania
### The world's foremost study of entrepreneurship
GEM began in 1999 as a joint research project between Babson College (USA) and London Business School (UK). The consortium has become the leading source of reliable information on the state of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems around the world, publishing annually not only the GEM Global Report, but also a series of country reports and reports on special topics. GEM's first annual survey covered 10 countries. Since then, 120 countries around the world have participated in GEM research. As a result, GEM has become an organisation with a highly developed network. GEM is the largest ongoing study of entrepreneurial dynamics in the world.

In 2023, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) has compiled data on entrepreneurship from the Adult Population Survey (APS), based on extensive interviews with around 136,000 people in 49 countries, representing 60% of the world's population and 70% of global GDP. A further 2 000 experts from 49 economies participated in the National Expert Survey (NES).

## 🇭🇺 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Románia
### Global Entrepreneurship Monitor România
A GEM 1999-ben indult a Babson College (Amerikai Egyesült Államok) és a London Business School (Egyesült Királyság) közös kutatási projektjeként. A konzorcium a világ vállalkozói és vállalkozói ökoszisztémáinak helyzetéről szóló megbízható információk vezető forrásává vált, és évente nem csak a GEM globális jelentést, hanem egy sor országjelentést és speciális témájú jelentést is közzétesz. A GEM felmérés az első évben 10 országra terjedt ki. Azóta világszerte mintegy 120 ország vett részt a kutatásban. Ennek eredményeképpen a GEM egy rendkívül fejlett hálózattal rendelkező szervezetté vált. A GEM a világ legnagyobb folyamatban lévő vállalkozói dinamikai tanulmánya.

A Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2023-ban a felnőtt lakossági felmérés (Adult Population Survey, APS) keretén belül 49 különböző ország vállalkozói tevékenységre vonatkozó adatait dolgozta fel mintegy 136 000 személlyel készített átfogó interjúk alapján, akik együttesen a világ népességének 60%-át és a globális GDP 70%-át képviselik. A nemzeti szakértői felmérésben (National Expert Survey, NES) további 2 000 szakértő 49 gazdaságból vett részt.
## 💻 Build
To learn about the technologies used or build a similar site like this you can follow the instructions on the [Wiki]( page. If you discovered any bugs or have any specific suggestions or feature reqests please use the [Issues]( page.
## 📊 Data
We maintain a [data repository]( updated daily by [@gembott]( that contains the data displayed on the site in a standardized format. You can read about this more [here](
## ✉ Contact
For any technical or visualization-related questions you may contact [Dénes](mailto:[email protected]). For economics-related queries and anything else about the site content, or further collaborations, you may contact [Petra](mailto:[email protected]).
- [Szabó Tünde Petra](
- [Dézsi-Benyovszki Annamária](
- [Szőcs Izabella](
- [Györfy Lehel](
- [Benedek Botond](
- [Csala Dénes](
## 📰 Cite
If you would like to use the site as an information source or any of the visualizations or the data presented, you are free to do so under an MIT attribution [license]( If you would like to refer to it in publications or other scientific works of any kind, please use the following style:
- 🇷🇴 UBB-FSEGA (2024): Global Entrepreneurship Monitor România,, data ultimei accesări: ...
- 🇬🇧 UBB-FSEGA (2024): Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Romania,, last accessed on: ...
- 🇭🇺 BBTE-KGTK (2024): Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Románia,, utolsó betöltés dátuma: ...

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