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csaladenes committed Apr 10, 2021
1 parent 1478922 commit 38ee62f
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Showing 50 changed files with 131,176 additions and 12,813 deletions.
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions data/border_crossings.csv

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19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions data/economic_measures_ro.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
2020-03-16,Declaration of the state of emergency,,EN,Decree,economic
2020-03-21,"Deferral of payment of certain taxes and utilities, introduction of technical unemployment, state guarantee of 80% for certain corporate loans",,EN,Decree,economic
2020-03-29,Freezing the price of utilities and fuel,,EN,Decree,economic
2020-03-30,9-month moratorium on loan repayment for companies and individuals,,EN,Decree,economic
2020-04-16,The government launches the IMM-Invest program as a stimulus for SME's,,EN,Decree,economic
2020-04-26,Differentiated tax reductions for companies that pay their due taxes ahead of deadline,,EN,Press release,economic
2020-03-16,Szükségállapot kihirdetése,,HU,Rendelet,gazdasági
2020-03-21,"Bizonyos adók és közművek kifizetésének halasztása, technikai munkanélküliség bevezetése, 80%-os állami garancia bizonyos vállalati hitelekre",,HU,Rendelet,gazdasági
2020-03-29,Közművek és üzemanyag árának befagyasztása,,HU,Rendelet,gazdasági
2020-03-30,9 hónapos hiteltörlesztési moratórium vállalatoknak és magánszemélyeknek,,HU,Rendelet,gazdasági
2020-04-16,A kormány elindítja az IMMInvest KKV-kat támogató programját,,HU,Rendelet,gazdasági
2020-04-26,Differenciált adókedvezmények határidőig történő adófizetés esetén,,HU,Sajtóközlemény,gazdasági
2020-03-16,Instituirea stării de urgență,,RO,Decret,economic
2020-03-21,"Amânarea plății anumitor taxe și utilități, introducerea șomajului tehnic, garanție de stat de 80% pentru anumite împrumuturi corporative",,RO,Decret,economic
2020-03-29,Înghețarea prețului la utilități și combustibil,,RO,Decret,economic
2020-03-30,Moratoriu de 9 luni pentru rambursarea împrumuturilor pentru companii și persoane fizice,,RO,Decret,economic
2020-04-16,Guvernul lansează programul IMMInvest,,RO,Decret,economic
2020-04-26,Reduceri diferențiate ale impozitelor la companii în cazul plății înainte de termen,,RO,Comunicat de presă,economic
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions data/exchange_rates.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions data/financial_measures_ro.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
2020-03-18,"NBR is working alongside the government, public authorities and the banking system to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic",,EN,BNR,financial
2020-03-20,NBR decides (1) to cut the monetary policy rate from 2.5 percent to 2.0 percent; (2) to narrow the interest rate corridor (3); to provide liquidity to credit institutions and (4) to purchase government securities on the secondary market,,EN,BNR,financial
2020-03-24,NBR announces measures to increase the flexibility of the legislative framework so that banks and NBFIs could help individuals and companies with outstanding loans,,EN,BNR,financial
2020-03-31,"Press statement from the NBR Governor: The peak of tensions generated by the COVID-19 crisis in the monetary, banking and financial field has been overcome",,EN,BNR,financial
2020-05-29,"NBR cuts the monetary policy rate by 25 bp to 1,75%",,EN,BNR,financial
2020-08-05,"NBR cuts the monetary policy rate by 25 bp to 1,50%",,EN,BNR,financial
2020-11-12,NBR cuts minimum required reserve ratio for foreign exchange reserves form 6% to 5%,,EN,BNR,financial
2021-01-16,"NBR cuts the monetary policy rate by 25 bp to 1,25% from 1,5%",,EN,BNR,financial
2021-03-15,The BET index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange reaches a new historical record at 10800 points ,,EN,BVB,financial
2020-03-25,The Financial Supervisory Authority lifts the 70% upper limit on the fixed-income holdings of private pension funds.,,EN,Other,financial
2020-03-18,"Az RNB közreműködik a kormánnyal, az állami szervekkel és a bankrendszerrel a COVID-19 világjárvány negatív hatásainak enyhítése érdekében.",,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2020-03-20,"Az RNB úgy dönt, hogy (1) csökkenti az alapkamatot 2,5 százalékról 2,0 százalékra; (2) szűkíti a kamatfolyosót (3) likviditást biztosít a hitelintézetek számára, és (4) állampapírt vásárol a másodlagos piacon",,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2020-03-24,"Az RNB intézkedéseket tesz a szabályozási keret rugalmasságának fokozására annak érdekében, hogy a bankok és a nem banki pénzügyi szervezetek segítséget nyújthassanak a hitellel rendelkező magánszemélyek és vállalkozások számára",,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2020-03-31,"Az RNB kormányzójának sajtóközleménye: ʺA monetáris, banki és pénzügyi területek túl vannak már a COVID-19 járvány okozta feszültségek csúcsán",,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2020-05-29,"A RNB 25 bázisponttal csökkenti az irányadó kamatlábat 1,75%-ra",,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2020-08-05,"A RNB 25 bázisponttal csökkenti az irányadó kamatlábat 1,50%-ra",,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2020-11-12,A RNB 6%-ról 5%-ra csökkenti a kötelező devizabetétek minimális tartalékrátáját,,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2021-01-16,"A RNB 25 bázisponttal csökkenti az irányadó kamatlábat 1,50%-ról 1,25%-ra",,HU,BNR,pénzügyi
2021-03-15,A Bukaresti Értéktőzsde történelmi csúcsot ér el 10800 pontnál,,HU,BVB,pénzügyi
2020-03-25,"A pénzügyi felügyelet (ASF) feloldja a magánnyugdíjpénztárak fix jövedelmezőségű eszközökbe történő befetetéseinek felső, 70%-os határát.",,HU,Egyéb,pénzügyi
2020-03-18,"BNR este implicată împreună cu guvernul, autoritățile publice și sistemul bancar în vederea limitării efectelor negative ale pandemiei de COVID-19",,RO,BNR,financiar
2020-03-20,"BNR decide (1) reducerea ratei dobânzii de politică monetară de la 2,5% la 2%; (2) îngustarea coridorului; (3) furnizarea de lichiditate băncilor și (4) cumpărarea de titluri de stat de pe piața secundară",,RO,BNR,financiar
2020-03-24,BNR anunță măsuri privind flexibilizarea cadrului de reglementare pentru ca instituțiile de credit și IFN-urile să poată ajuta persoanele și companiile cu credite,,RO,BNR,financiar
2020-03-31,"Declarație de presă a Guvernatorului BNR: Vârful tensiunilor generate de criza COVID-19 în domeniul monetar, bancar și financiar a fost depășit",,RO,BNR,financiar
2020-05-29,"BNR decide reducerea ratei dobânzii de politică monetară la 1,75%",,RO,BNR,financiar
2020-08-05,"BNR decide reducerea ratei dobânzii de politică monetară la 1,50%",,RO,BNR,financiar
2020-11-12,BNR decide reducerea ratei rezervei minime pentru pasivele in valută la nivelul de 5% de la 6%,,RO,BNR,financiar
2021-01-16,"BNR reduce rata dobânzii de politică monetară la nivelul de 1,25 la sută pe an, de la 1,50 la sută pe an. ",,RO,BNR,financiar
2021-03-15,Indicele BET al BVB atinge un nou record absolut istoric la 10800 de puncte.,,RO,BVB,financiar
2020-03-25,Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiară ridică pragul de 70% de deținere de titluri de stat de către fondurile private de pensii,,RO,Altele,financiar

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