Mark-a-Spot is a full packaged Drupal distribution for public civic issue tracking, including an Open311 GeoReport v2 server. Basic Drupal knowledge is required to customize it for your own needs.
You are allowed to and please do say that your product is based on Mark-a-Spot, inspired by Mark-a-Spot, but you can’t call your product or service Mark-a-Spot.
This software is based on Drupal 7. It's source-code is licensed and made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.
- Install on latest commit
- Installation Video
Make sure that clean-urls are supported and active: http://yourserver/?q=admin/config/search/clean-urls
Start with changing the field settings of the field_geo field by choosing a starting position. http://yourserver/admin/structure/types/manage/report/fields
Copy and paste the lat/lon values into the settings of the Mark-a-Spot configuration screen http://yourserver/admin/config/system/mark_a_spot
Go to Structure / Taxonomy and configure the terms of category and status vocabularies. There you can just overwrite the default term-name, change colors and icons.
http://yourserver/georeport/v2/services.format (xml/json) http://yourserver/georeport/v2/requests.format (xml/json) http://yourserver/georeport/v2/discovery.format (xml/json)
After cloning the repository run update.php. Beware that the data model of the category and status terms have changed. Depending on your theme you have to update your templates for displaying status and category colors. Color field module and Icon API modules are required.
Holger Kreis | @markaspot |