Sample loader for Nessus CSV export files, using the PureCSV library.
You will need Java 8 installed. The app will download any additional dependencies.
To run the sample program:
./sbt "run nessus_test.csv"
The app uses sbt to build and package the app.
If you don't have sbt installed, you can use the bundled sbt runner (./sbt
The first time you build the app, it will need to download dependencies and compile support code. This will take several minutes, but it only happens on the first build.
To run unit tests, run
./sbt test
To generate a code coverage report run,
./sbt clean coverage test coverageReport
The HTML report will be written to target/scala-2.12/scoverage-report/index.html
The project uses the scapegoat tool for code quality analysis. To generate a scapegoat report, run
./sbt scapegoat
The HTML report will be written to target/scala-2.12/scapegoat-report/scapegoat.html
The project uses the sbt-dependency-check tool to query the OWASP Dependency Check database. You can check the project's depenencies for known security vulnerability by running
./sbt check
The HTML report will be written to target/scala-2.12/dependency-check-report.html
Note - the first time you run this command it will take much longer than normal because it has to download the vulnerability database from OWASP.
The project depends on Scala and its build tool, sbt. If the sbt
script fails to install Scala and SBT, you can manually install them.
On OS X, assuming you have homebrew installed, the easiest way to install these is via:
brew install scala sbt
Alternatively, you can download native OS packages from the links above.