Adds the following variables for code templates in eclipse:
- "formatted_method_parameter" - log4j logging style.
- "formatted_logback_method_parameters" - logback logging style
- Open Help -> Install New software.
- Click "Add..."
- Add repository:
- Name: eclipse-log-param
- Location:
- Select eclipse-log-param
- Restart eclipse
Under Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Templates click "New.."
- name = "lp"
- context = "Java statements"
- description = "Fast parameters logging"
- Pattern:
- log4j: "logger.trace("${enclosing_method}. ${formatted_method_parameters});"
- logback: "logger.trace("${enclosing_method}. ${formatted_logback_method_parameters});"
Click "OK"
In method type "lp" and press "ctrl" + "space". Consider the following method:
public static void saveUserPreferences(String userName, String[] preferences) {
The result will be:
- log4j style:
public static void saveUserPreferences(String userName, String[] preferences) {
logger.trace("saveUserPreferences. userName: " + userName + " preferences: " + preferences);
- logback style:
public static void saveUserPreferences(String userName, String[] preferences) {
logger.trace("saveUserPreferences. userName: {}, preferences: {}", userName, preferences);
Usefull for logging error stuff in catch block. Silghtly modified version of default "try" template:
try {
} catch (Exception ${exception_variable_name}) {
LOG.error("unable to ${enclosing_method}. ${formatted_method_parameters}, ${exception_variable_name});