Function for the generation of non-stationary accelerograms adapted from original fortran program of Sabetta F. and Pugliese A. (1995)
Mw = moment magnitude
Re = epicentral distance (km)
isito = site conditions (0=rock; 1=shallow all.; 2=deep alluvium)
isig = st. dev. of GMPE (0=median value,1=84th percentile)
dt = time step of output accelerogram
nacc = number of accelerograms to be generated
tot_dur = total duration of accelerogram
scale = scale factor (1 for cm/s/s)
t = time vector (s)
acc = acceleration time history (in cm/s/s)
vel = velocity time history (in cm/s)
disp = displacement time history (in cm)
Sabetta, Fabio, and Antonio Pugliese. "Estimation of response spectra and simulation of nonstationary earthquake ground motions." Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 86.2 (1996): 337-352.