Releases: deseven/iCanHazMusic
Releases · deseven/iCanHazMusic
iCHM 0.4.0
- added tracks preloading
- added support for album arts from tags
- added playlist search
- added global shortcuts
- ability to disable grouping by albums (#10)
- menu option to open in Finder (#10)
- menus and internal routines refactoring
- simplified state file contents
- more keyboard navigation options (hjkl support and more)
- bugfixes (#6, #9, #10)
iCHM 0.3.1
- added notifications (using terminal-notifier)
- seekbar is now working
- new preferences section
iCHM 0.3.0
- integrated web server, simple web interface and API
- switched to FFmpeg for formats not supported by AVAudioplayer
- added support for WavPack and APE
- removed alpha warning (first stable release!)
iCHM 0.2.0
- fixed scrobbling problems
- added tooltips for buttons (#3)
- added playback parameters
- added track and album-based shuffle
- added internal playback history to use with "back" button
- added previous/next album buttons
- a lot of refactoring
iCHM 0.1.0
- first public release