Project ideas graded by learnt skills
All below are cumulative - the next bullet assumes knowledge of the previous:
- You have learnt to output something
- ASCII art, patterns
- You have learnt to retrieve input from the user
- Mad libs
- simple calculation
- You have learnt conditionals/branching statements
- 20 questions
- a very basic text adventure (interactive fiction)
- You have learnt loops
- Number guessing game
- 99 bottles of beer
- Dice games
- More patterns - repeat the patterns from early, but this time, use loops and conditionals
- You have learnt string manipulation
- Hangman
- You've learnt arrays (lists, any form of collections)
- Card games
- Board games (like "Don't Angry", "Connect Four", "Tic Tac Toe", "Battleships", etc.)
- Conway's Game Of Life
- Dewdney's Wa-Tor
- Sudoku (not the solver, though at this level)
- You have learnt how to read and write files
- RPG Character Sheet generator/storage
- Shopping list
- Finance tracker
- Simple data storage (CD collection, etc. - on a basic level)