SliderView is an open-source SwiftUI package for a native Slider drop-in replacement. This package provides a variety of customization options such as thumb size, color, guide bar style, tracking bar color, and many more, making it the best choice for your user interface needs.
- Super easy to use and lightweight.
- Works as Slider drop-in replacement.
- Set any upper and lower bounds of your slider.
- Opt to increment values discretely or continuously.
- Customize the slider's thumb touch area size, visual size, color, and shadow.
- Style the guide bar with your choice of corner radius, color, and height.
- Define the appearance of the tracking bar, including its color and height.
- Specify Default (value used to set by default on double tap) and Anchor (value used to show a mark on tracking bar by default as a dot) values.
- Easily enable or disable component with visual feedback.
- Intelligent optional Haptic feedback when min, max, default or anchor value is selected.
- Add your own Leading and Trailing views (either or both) for displaying title and selected value.
- iOS 14.0+
- mac OS 11.0+
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler. Once you have your Swift package set up, adding SliderView
as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("main"))
Firstly, import the SliderView
package in the file where you want to use it:
import SwiftUI
import SliderView
Then add SliderView
into your view hierarchy and customize it:
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var value: CGFloat = 2.0
var body: some View {
value: $value,
range: -3...3,
increment: .none,
thumbSize: 20,
thumbColor: .gray,
anchorPointSize: 4,
guideBarCornerRadius: 1,
guideBarColor: .gray,
guideBarHeight: 2,
trackingBarColor: .blue,
trackingBarHeight: 2,
shadow: 0,
shadowColor: .clear,
disabledColor: .black.opacity(0.3),
leading: {
trailing: {
Text(String(format: "%.2f", value))
To further customize the SliderView
, you can specify other properties as per your needs. Refer to Demo project for more examples.
Contributions to the SliderView
project are welcome! Feel free to open a new issue or send a pull request, if you happen to find a bug, or would like to add any new features.
Instagram :
Email : [email protected]
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.