Bot Prefix => . (Dot)
fetch random good morning & good night quotes
clear chats in bulk
fetch random famous quotes
wave you hello
reacts to specific commands
changes its status
responds if it detects special words within sentences
deletes the message from specific words or sentences
fetch avatar of a specific user
Ban and Unban user (AdMiN)
Locks and unlock channels (AdMiN)
fetches weather report of a given city
URL shorten-er
Funny Love calculator
confession-box to send DM anonymously to someone
DM you your new unique password
example: .lock
- Make sure to have a role named =>> AdMiN (this role will have few admin-level privileges from the Bot)
- Have a text-channel named =>> confession-box
- Create an issue if not present
- Fork this repository
- Make necessary changes
- send a pull request for the issue
This Bot is hosted