This plugin helps to maintain the UI and flow of the Game/App. This works in Screen-To-Screen manner, Easy to use and handle all Dialogs/Screens easily in your Game/App.
You can download and install this with different methods given below:
- Clone/Download this repository and move the Unity_UIScreenController folder in to your project Assets folder.
- (via Package Manager) add the following line to Packages/manifest.json or you can direct copy paste the below url in Package Manager/Add Packages From GIT Url
- Step 1: Go to Window/Unity UI Screen Controller
- Step 2: Add Screen/Dialog name in the list named AllScreens.
- Step 3: Click on Update button below the screen names list.
- Step 4: You can find the new generated script in Assets/Scripts/Screens/Screen-{ScreenName}
- Step 5: Attach this script to that screen gameobject you prepared.
- Step 6: Again go to to Window/Unity UI Screen Controller and hit the button Add/Update UI Screen Manager, this is create a new GameObject to current scene and Assign all the available screens to it automatically.
- Step 7: When Adding/Deleting and screen, you must have to hit the Add/Update UI Screen Manager button to make sure every screen assing to manager properly.
- Step 8: Choose the first screen and manually call:
to process the first screen you selected.
- Step 9: Now you can Switch, Show, Hide to your UI Screens by Simply using the methods
- For Switching
USC_ScreenManager.Instance.Switch(USC_SCREENS.MENU, USC_SCREENS.GAME);
- To Show
- To Hide
- For Switching
- You can edit the USC_BaseScreen.cs script to make animations to your UI switching.
- All the new generated screen is inherited from USC_BaseScreen class, so you can use the override methods to make UI updation like, Show(), Hide(), ShowCompleted(), HideCompleted().
- Whenever you hit the update button in window then a json file is updated to maintain the data! Please do not change or override it, as it may cause errors!
- Please do not change the Generated screen scripts location!
- Please do not use the same name in screen list.
- Try to add screens in CAPITAL LETTERS only.
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