Weather app that displays dad jokes
Welcome! This application allows users to easily search for the current weather forecast of cities worldwide and enjoy a daily dose of dad jokes. Whether you're planning a trip or just looking for a good laugh, our Dad Joke Weather Dashboard has got you covered. Our Dad Joke Weather Dashboard combines two essential aspects of daily life - staying informed about the weather and enjoying a good laugh.
Search for Weather: Use the search bar to type in the name of the city you want to check the weather for.
View Weather Information: Once you've entered a city name, you'll see the current weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and a 5-day forecast.
Enjoy a Dad Joke: Reference the hover text to reveal the punchline and click the 'Next Joke' button to navigate the dad joke section to see a variety of dad jokes. Feel free to share these jokes with your friends and family for a good laugh.
Contributors (link to GitHub accounts):
Tools used:
When a user searches a city, the current forecast is displayed, along with the 5 day forecast.
Diving into local storage, a user can view their recent searches.
Dad jokes appear on the left side of the page, the user may hover over the dad-joke card for help text, and click on the card to reveal the punchline then click the Next Joke button to carousel through.