This is a simple ansible lab to demonstrate how to use ansible to automate tasks. And this lab is running with docker-compose.
- Docker
- Clone this repository
- Run
cd ansible-lab
- Run
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f playbooks/sshkey
to generate a new ssh keypair in the ssh directory - Run
touch authorized_keys
to create an authorized_keys file - Run
cat playbooks/ >> authorized_keys
to add the public key to the authorized_keys file - Run
docker-compose build
- Run
docker-compose up -d
- Run
docker exec -it -u ubuntu control_node bash
to access the control node - Run
docker exec -it web_node1 bash
to access the web_node1 - Run
docker exec -it web_node1 ls -la /usr/share/nginx/html
to list the files in the web_node1's html directory
- Access the control_node container
docker exec -it -u ubuntu control_node bash
- Install ansible in the control_node container
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible -y sudo apt-get install ansible -y ansible --version
Access the control_node container
docker exec -it -u ubuntu control_node bash
Create playbooks directory
mkdir -p playbooks cd playbooks
Create Ansible configuration file
vim ansible.cfg
[defaults] inventory = inventory remote_user = root private_key_file = /home/ubuntu/playbooks/key host_key_checking = False interpreter_python = auto_silent
Create an inventory file
Node Name IP Address Connection City web_node1 ssh Yangon web_node2 ssh Mandalay db_node1 ssh Yangon
Group Name Members web_nodes web_node1, web_node2 db_nodes db_node1 ygn_nodes web_node1, db_node1 mdy_nodes web_node2 myanmar_nodes ygn_nodes, mdy_nodes
cd ~/playbooks vim inventory
# Web Servers # Located in Yangon web_node1 ansible_host= ansible_user=root # Located in Mandalay web_node2 ansible_host= ansible_user=root # Database Servers # Located in Yangon db_node1 ansible_host= ansible_user=root [web_nodes] web_node1 web_node2 [db_nodes] db_node1 [all_servers:children] web_nodes db_nodes [ygn_nodes] web_node1 db_node1 [mdy_nodes] web_node2 [myanmar_nodes:children] ygn_nodes mdy_nodes
- Access the control_node container
docker exec -it -u ubuntu control_node bash
- Test the connection to the nodes
ansible all -i inventory -m ping
Write a playbook to execute a command on localhost and display the contents of /etc/resolv.conf.
- name: Execute a command on localhost
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: Execute a command
command: cat /etc/resolv.conf
Write a playbook to
- create a file on web_node1 with a specified group (nginx) and
- another file on web_node2 with a specified owner (nginx).
Ensure both tasks require elevated permissions
# perm.yml
- hosts: web_node1
become: true
- name: Creating blog.txt file
path: /usr/share/nginx/html/blog.txt
state: touch
group: nginx
- hosts: web_node2
become: true
- name: Creating story.txt file
path: /usr/share/nginx/html/story.txt
state: touch
owner: nginx
Write a playbook to create a file on node01 with a specific text content at /opt/file.txt.
# file.yml
- hosts: web_nodes
become: true
- name: create a file
dest: /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
content: "This file is created with Ansible by KT"
Write a playbook to copy a file from a source path to a specified destination on web_nodes group. Ensure that the file is sourced from the remote machine (remote_src is set to yes).
# copy.yml
- hosts: web_nodes
become: true
- name: Copying a file to all hosts
src: /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
dest: /usr/share/nginx/html/file-copy.txt
remote_src: yes
Write a playbook to install the htop package on all hosts in the web_nodes group.
# install.yml
- hosts: web_nodes
become: true
- name: Install htop package
name: htop
state: present
Create a playbook to replace occurrences of "KT" with "thixpin" in a specific file on node01. Similarly, replace "KT" with "DevOps" in another file on node02.
# replace.yml
- hosts: web_node1
become: true
- name: Replace text in file
path: /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
regexp: 'KT'
replace: 'thixpin'
- hosts: web_node2
become: true
- name: Replace text in file
path: /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
regexp: 'KT'
replace: 'DevOps'
Write a playbook to check if a user is a DevOps or not. If the user is a DevOps, display "I am a DevOps". Otherwise, display "I am not a DevOps".
# condition.yml
- name: 'Am I a DevOps or not?'
hosts: localhost
connection: local
user: devops
- name: 'Check if I am a DevOps'
msg: 'I am a DevOps'
when: user == "devops"
- name: 'Check if I am not a DevOps'
msg: 'I am not a DevOps'
when: user != "devops"
Write a playbook that uses a list of DevOps tools and loops through them to execute a command that prints each tool name.
# loop.yml
- name: Loop through DevOps tools
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- Ansible
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Jenkins
- Terraform
- name: Print DevOps tools
msg: 'DevOps tool: {{ item }}'
loop: "{{ devops_tools }}"
Create a playbook to copy a file with specified owner, group, and permissions on different hosts. Use conditions to differentiate tasks based on the host
# file_conditional.yml
- hosts: web_nodes
become: true
- name: Copy file with owner, group, and permissions on web_node1
src: /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
dest: /usr/share/nginx/html/new-file.txt
remote_src: yes
owner: nginx
group: nginx
mode: '0755'
when: inventory_hostname == 'web_node1'
- name: Copy file with owner, group, and permissions on web_node2
src: /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
dest: /usr/share/nginx/html/new-file.txt
remote_src: yes
owner: nginx
group: nginx
mode: '0400'
when: inventory_hostname == 'web_node2'
Write a playbook to insert a specific line into a given file on web_node1. Ensure the line is inserted at the beginning of the file.
# insert.yml
- hosts: web_node1
become: true
- name: Insert a line into a file
path: /usr/share/nginx/html/file.txt
line: 'This line is inserted by Ansible'
insertbefore: BOF
Create a playbook that installs a package (nginx) on all web servers. And also update nginx configuration file (change keepalive_timeout to 120) and restart the service by using handlers.
# service.yml
- hosts: web_nodes
become: true
- name: Install nginx package
name: nginx
state: present
- name: Update nginx configuration file
path: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
regexp: 'keepalive_timeout'
line: ' keepalive_timeout 120;'
notify: restart nginx
- name: restart nginx
name: nginx
state: restarted
Write a playbook to create a user with a specific UID on localhost and assign the user to the sudo group. And also, update the sudoers file to allow the user to run sudo commands without a password.
# user.yml
- hosts: localhost
become: true
- name: Create a user with specific UID
name: devops
uid: 2000
group: sudo
state: present
- name: Allow devops user to run sudo commands without password
path: /etc/sudoers
line: 'devops ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
Write a playbook to create a compressed archive (demo.tar.gz) from a specific path and save it to a designated destination on all hosts.
# archive.yml
- hosts: web_nodes
become: true
- name: Create an archive
path: /usr/share/nginx/html
dest: /usr/share/nginx/demo.tar.gz
Install the geerlingguy.nginx
role from Ansible Galaxy under ~/playbooks/roles directory. Use the role to install Node.js on localhost.
Further consume this role in /home/bob/playbooks/role.yml playbook so that this role can be applied on localhost.
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.nginx -p ./roles
# role.yml
- hosts: localhost
become: true
- geerlingguy.nginx
Create a playbook to create a text file with a specific content on web_node1 using a template file located in the templates directory.
# template.yml
- hosts: web_node1
become: true
- name: Create a file using a template
src: templates/hello.txt.j2
dest: /usr/share/nginx/html/hello.txt
remote_src: no
# templates/hello.txt.j2
Hello, this is a template file created by {{ ansible_user_id }} on date {{ }} at {{ ansible_hostname }}.