Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
Made by Mark Johnston and George Constantine
Program is completely functional to project specs. Extra credit functions have also been implemented
To build this program run these commands at the root of the program(assuming you have ANT installed)
ant clean
ant compile
ant -Dflags="-verbose" -Dsource="some_dir/[fileName].tc" test
Usage: java [classpath] [options] [toyc_source_file]
where options include:
-help display this usage message\n" +
-debug <level> display messages that aid in tracing the compilation process. If level is:
0 - all messages
1 - scanner, parser, and compiler messages
2 - parser and compiler messages only
3 - compiler messages only(unused)
-verbose display all information
Note: path to toyc_source_file is defaultly set to [project]/tests.
Add full directory for external file access.
Move the compiled .j file to the directory where jasmin is stored, and run the following commands to execute the .j file. [fileName] is just the name of the original compiled .tc file
java -jar jasmin.jar [fileName].j
java [fileName]