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Wordpress VPC deploying with Terraform

  1. Configure AWS CLI Access Credentials. Terraform requires that AWS CLI has administrative access to your aws account. Download your access keys and follow the below steps:
aws configure

Running the Application in Local Machine

Clone the Repo

Clone the github repo "".

Update Config Values

Update values in below files corresponding to your accounts

.env.example file (root directory)

Update Below values corresponding to your account


backend.example.tfvars (cd to terraform directory)

Create a new S3 bucket or use existing S3 bucket name and update the below bucket value to store terraform state.Key and region need not change

bucket = "bucket-name"
key    = "terraform.tfstate"
region = "ap-southeast-2" 

terraform.example.tfvars (cd to terraform directory)

Update S3 bucket name to store terraform state Update your home public ip with /32 subnet mask

your_home_network_cidr = "x.x.x.x/32" 

Create SSL certificate in ap-southeast-2 region and update the certifcate arn in below field

alb_certificate_arn = "arn:asssa"

Create Free Domain name using and give the domain name here.Please make sure to update the name server to AWS one

dns_name = ""

Create a hosted zone with the domain created above and provide hosted zone id below

zone_id = "******"

Once the above values are updated run below make command from root project directory to copy these files

make localsetup 

Once the local config command is completed below make commands can be used to bring up the applications

Makefile commands

Run below commands in the root directory to create aws resource and push docker images.

Below command will create a docker with a short commit tag and push to ECR

Create AWS infra and docker

Please make sure make localsetup is ran with correct values before running this command

make all

Run below command to destroy using terraform

make destroy

This will run Terraform destroy

Terraform destroy. Infrastructure managed by Terraform will be destroyed [terraform destory]

Below make steps are optional .make all will run all the required commands internally

make plan

make plan

This will run below terraform commands

  1. Terraform Initialise. This command is used to initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files.This is the first command to start with. Init will create a hidden directory ".terraform" and download plugins as needed by the configuration [terraform init]

  2. Terraform plan. Run this command to view te execution plan for your configuration. The execution plan specifies what actions Terraform will take to achieve the desired state defined in the configuration, and the order in which the actions occur.[terraform plan]

make apply

make apply

Terraform apply. In the same directory as the file you created, run the terraform apply command to apply your configuration.After confirming your execution plan as yes, Terraform will create your resource group [terraform apply]

make build

make build

This will build docker image for worpress and tag with ECR repo

make publish

This will push new word press images to ECR repostiry

make publish

Below make command is used to deploy latest docker image in ECR

make deploy-wp

make deploy-wp

Solution Diagram :

Wordpress solution diagram03

Docker commands to upload image to ECR

Execute terraform apply before running the below commands

Run below commands to push new word press images to ECR repostiry

ECR_URL=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --region ap-southeast-2 --repository-names wordpress --query 'repositories[].repositoryUri' --output text)

# For aws-cli 1.9
aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region ap-southeast-2 \
    | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_URL

# This works with aws-cli 2.0 -- change region as needed
aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-2 \
    | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_URL

docker tag wordpress:latest "$ECR_URL":latest
docker push "$ECR_URL":latest

Trigger ECS update service to use new image by ECS task
aws ecs update-service --cluster 2020-jun-project1-externals --service 2020-jun-project1-externals --force-new-deployment

Terraform/Application CICD:

NOTE : Below changes are needed in github secrets to make CI/CD works.

As a prerequisite perform the below steps before PR/Commit requests.

  1. Create/Update following secrets in the GITHUB Settings -> secrets.


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