Release 1.0.6 announcement
Release version of TFS API Python client [1.0 build 6] uploaded to PyPI:
Please report new bugs or the required functionality in new tasks.
TFS Python Library is a TFS API Python client that can work with TFS workflow and workitems.
This tool allows:
- Get WorkItems (WI).
- Set WI fields.
- Run WI search queries.
- Work with TFVC changesets.
- Work with TFS Projects.
Now you can install TFS API Python client via pip:
pip install dohq-tfs [--upgrade] [--pre] -
Documentation auto-updated from on the GitHub-pages. More usage examples added:
Build-process realized using Travis-CI. After success build TFS API Python client auto-uploaded to PyPI: .tar.gz and .whl archives are suported.
Badges with links and actual statuses from Travis-CI, PyPI and Codacy services added to
Some unit-tests on base routines added.