Project Page:
- Java 1.6 or higher (
- Gradle 1.0-milestone-1 or higher ( or install it by running ./gradlew or gradle.bat)
- Internet connection (for Maven artifacts and Tomcat download)
In the main directory of the distribution, run the following command:
- On Windows run
gradlew.bat build dist
- On Linux or Cygwin run
./gradlew build dist
- If you have installed gradle
gradle build dist
Oh, that's it! You will find the bundled version under portal-bundle/build/dist/.
Run the Apache Tomcat under
for Windows portal-bundle/build/dist/devproof-portal-<version>-with-tomcat7/apache-tomcat-7.x.x/bin/startup.bat
for Linux portal-bundle/build/dist/devproof-portal-<version>-with-tomcat7/apache-tomcat-7.x.x/bin/
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