This project is a sandbox to demo the problem when running a sanity script with Bun.
This is an integration problem, so it'll demand a bit effort.
First step, you'll need to create a sanity project to be able to reproduce.
I won't dive deep on how to do that, so please follow to or run bun create sanity@latest
. If you already have an account, you can simply create a dummy project with some sample data.
All you'll need from this sanity project is the projectId
With the sanity project in place, now we can do the following:
install the dependencies using bun
bun install
create a .env file:
cp .env.sample .env
open the
file and fillSANITY_PROJECT_ID
run the entry script using bun:
bun run index.ts
You'll see the process never complete.
Now, quite the current process and run the same script with
bun tsx index.ts
You'll see we have the console we expect