Create uber like server with express
, graphql
, and react
written in typescript
- Real-time ride request and catch depend on mode driver or rider
- Real-time chat with driver and rider
- Infinit scroll for ride history
- Get direction, and render on map with
Google Map
Api - Email and Phone verification
- graphql-yoga for server
- graphql for api
- typeorm for database
- passport for social-login
- twilio for sms
- nodemailer for email
- react for client
- apollo for client management
- react-router-dom for routes
- googlemaps for map api
- styled-components for style
- environment setting for frontend and backend
- implement entity and build gralhql api
- database relations design ManyToOne, OneToMany
- jwt based authentication management
- desing pattern for react splitting presenter and container
- authenticaiton based routes handle
- build and deploy to
- how to use graphql in react with apollo