A small utility that will request certificates from CFSSL and write the certificates to a specific directory.
certify -h
Usage of certify:
-ca_cert_url string
Specify an url where to downlaod the CA's certificate
-dir string
directory where to store the certificates (default "/etc/certificates")
If certificates exist, overwrite them by requesting new certificates (default: false)
-name string
Only used for client certificates, for server and client-server we use the hostname as the identifier.
-password string
password to use for basic auth
Verify certificate chain (default: false)
-type string
The certificatle type to request: server, client, client-server (default "client-server")
-url string
CFSSL URL (default "https://localhost")
-user string
user name to use for basic auth
Request a client and if certificates exist overwrite them.
certify -dir $(pwd) -name client-test -user USER -password SUPER_SECRET_PASSWORD -url https://my.certiciate.ca -type client -force true
Request a server certificate it will use the hostname as the CN ie: myserver.example.com
certify -dir $(pwd) -name client-test -user USER -password SUPER_SECRET_PASSWORD -url https://my.certiciate.ca -type server
To make this more generic some things need to be changed.
- make certificate properties load from a config file or environment variables
- add test