A web application built with Next.js, React, TypeScript, Zustand, Axios, and CKEditor 5 that allows users to create, edit, delete, view, and comment (coming later) on blog posts. This project also incorporates Firebase for data storage and Vercel for deployment.
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Usage
- Features
- State Management
- Firebase Setup
- Code Examples
- Testing
- Deployment
- Contributing
- Authors
- Acknowledgments
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- Firebase project with the Realtime Database enabled
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/dew-dr0p/simple-blogging-platform
Change to the project directory:
cd simple-blogging-platform
Install the dependencies
npm install
Create an
file in the project root and add your Firebase credentials:FIREBASE_API_KEY=your-api-key FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=your-auth-domain FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL=your-database-url FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=your-project-id FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET=your-storage-bucket FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=your-sender-id FIREBASE_APP_ID=your-app-id
Run the application
npm run dev
Live Site Url: www.simple-blogging-app-lovat.vercel.app
This web application allows you to:
- Create new blog posts with titles, content, images, and categories.
- Edit and update existing blog posts.
- Delete blog posts.
- View a list of blog posts with pagination.
- View the full content of individual blog posts.
- Comment in blog posts (coming soon)
- Create, edit, and delete blog posts.
- List and view blog posts.
- Firebase integration for data storage.
- Zustand for state management.
- CKEditor 5 for a rich text editor.
- Pagination to display blog posts.
- Comment functionality (to be implemented).
- User authentication (to be implemented).
- Responsive and clean UI with Tailwind CSS.
State is managed using the Zustand library. The store contains the current user and blog posts data.
- Set up a Firebase project.
- Initialize the Firebase Admin SDK with your service account credentials.
- Enable the Realtime Database service in your Firebase project.
- Create a Vercel environment variable to securely load your Firebase service account key.
Refer to the api
directory for serverless functions that interact with Firebase.
The store
directory contains Zustand store setup.
Testing will be implemented in the future using the [testing framework].
Deploy the application to Vercel using the vercel command.
Guidelines for contributing would be made available later.
Wisdom-Daniel Efe
- Linkedin - Wisdom-Daniel Efe
- Twitter - @D_e_w_D_r_0_p
- Github - Wisdom-Daniel Efe
For questions or feedback, please contact [[email protected]].