Coding challenge for 2019.02.19 DFW Elixir Hack Night
Write a JSON serializer in Elixir. To make unit tests pass, you will need to
implement the Jsonex.encode/1
function defined in lib/jsonex.ex
iex> Jsonex.encode(%{success: true, foo: [1, 2, 3, 4]})
Not all data types can be converted to JSON. You must implement valid conversions for the following types:
- Number
- String
- Booleans
- Nil
- List
- Map
Do not convert invalid types (pids, tuples, etc). Instead, you should raise a
iex> raise Jsonex.BadInputError, {:ok, 1234}
** (Jsonex.BadInputError) did not get what was expected, got: {:ok, 1234}
Other things to note:
- Strip all whitespace from your outputted JSON string
- Atoms should be converted to JSON strings
- Properly escape string quotes in the output
- Floats are not supported in the official JSON specification, raise a
instead - Ignore implementing support for keyword lists
Fetch dependencies and run the tests.
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test
All tests should be failing. Make them pass to complete the challenge!