- Filter is fixed & updated.
- icontains.js dependency is deprecated.
ComboTree is a jQuery Plugin which is a combobox item within tree structured data list and multiple/single selection options and more. It has been developed to manage large amount of choices in a combobox and multi selection feature.
- Tree structured data list in combobox dropdown menu
- Multiple & Single selection
- Cascade selection (for multiple mode)
- Returns selected item(s) as title or id array
- Filtering (for multiple mode)
- Consumes JSON source
- Key controls are available for both selection and filter inputs.
- jQuery
- isMultiple: {true/false} | default: false | decide if it is multiple selection behaviour or single
- cascadeSelect: {true/false} | default: false | decide if parent selection should cascade to children in multiple selection
- source: {JSON Data Array} | takes source of combobox dropdown menu as a JSON array.
- selected: {JSON Data Array} | takes the list of ID's that corespond from the source.
- collapse: {true/false} | default: false | makes sub lists collapsed.
- withSelectAll: {true/false} | default: false | decide if use 'select all' feature.
- getSelectedIds(): Returns selected item(s) id list as array or null. (i.e. [12, 5, 7], [7], null)
- getSelectedNames(): Returns selected item(s) name list as array or null. (i.e. ["Piegon", "Cat", "Horse"], ["Lion"], null)
- setSource(): You can initialize ComboTree then set source after your JSON data is retrieved.
- clearSelection(): Clear selected items.
- selectAll(): select all items.
- setSelection(selectionIdList): Set selected values of combotree by id array or single id parameter. If you want to clear previous selections please use clearSelection() before setSelection(). (i.e. ct1.setSelection([12, 5, 7]) | ct1.setSelection(5)
- onChange(callBackFunction): Triggers after selection changes.
There should be an input element to apply and a JSON Data source.
comboTree1 = $('#justAnInputBox').comboTree({
source : SampleJSONData,
isMultiple: true,
cascadeSelect: true,
selected: ['0']
// Array, One title/id, or False value return
var selectedTitles = comboTree1.getSelectedItemsTitle();
var selectedIds = comboTree1.getSelectedItemsId();
// To remove plugin
Three parameter are needed: id, title and subs (array).
Can contain the following options:
isSelectable: {true/false} | default: true | allows or disallows item to be selected
collapse: {true/false} | default: false | makes sub lists collapsed at start
var SampleJSONData = [ { id: 0, title: 'Horse' }, { id: 1, title: 'Birds', subs: [ { id: 10, title: 'Piegon' }, { id: 11, title: 'Parrot' }, { id: 12, title: 'Owl' }, { id: 13, title: 'Falcon' } ] }, { id: 2, title: 'Rabbit' }, { id: 3, title: 'Fox' }, { id: 5, title: 'Cats', subs: [ { id: 50, title: 'Kitty' }, { id: 51, title: 'Bigs', subs: [ { id: 510, title: 'Cheetah' }, { id: 511, title: 'Jaguar' }, { id: 512, title: 'Leopard' } ] } ] }, { id: 6, title: 'Fish' } ];