Pre-Requisite: Create Account and Node Key, Add account to network
Send the information to us through the google form
AccountId should be from -
docker run -i dhiway/cord:develop key inspect $SECRET
where SECRET is 'Secret seed' field from the key generate command. -
Node Key should be from -
docker run -i -v /data:/data dhiway/cord:develop key inspect-node-key --file /data/node.key
An existing council member should be making a proposal to add an account as a member.
This step is required if one wants to add an account to 'write' into ledger.
If anyone wants to add a node, the nodeId (the public part of node.key generated with steps like earlier).
After this is voted successfully by the council, one can start the node. Notice that, one account can have only one nodeId. So, if one wants to run 3 nodes, 3 accounts needs to be created.