It is a android app that takes image from a IOT based device using websockets sends it to the server or cloud and runs python scripts and returns the output to the APP
Images | Images |
Images | Images |
- Download and install opencv 4.9.0_5
- For MacOS, use:
- Download and install cmake
- For MacOS, use:
- lib/opencv-cpp contains all the cpp code responsible for calculating TLC
- lib/features/imageManipulation/image_crop.dart
void calculateTLC(CroppedFile croppedFile) {
final imagePath = croppedFile.path.toNativeUtf8();
final imageFfi = dylib.lookupFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Utf8>),
void Function(Pointer<Utf8>)>('detect_contour_tlc');
setState(() {
_processedImage = File(imagePath.toDartString());
This function is used to connect with dart ffi