This application demonstrates on how to draw colorful triangle on Wayland. It uses OpenGL as the rendering machine.
wayland-client >= 1.22.0
egl >= 1.7.0
wayland-egl >= 1.22.0
opengl >= 3.x
meson >= 1.3.0
Run this command below
meson setup <build_directory>
meson compile -C <build_directory>
specifies the location to put the executable
Suppose the <build_directory>
is located on ./build
then to run the program:
To output debug of Wayland, add environment variable WAYLAND_DEBUG=1
WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 ./build/triangle-wayland-opengl
You can change the background color at line 146. Within the values ranging from 0.0F
to 1.0F
set the first, second, third parameter as you please to change the red, green, blue intensity
Example: Set background color to black
glClearColor(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F)