A C++ program designed to optimize the logistics of shipments across various ports using algorithms like Floyd-Warshall for route optimization, 0/1 Knapsack for cargo selection based on weight and value, and KMP String Matching for port availability validation. This program allows users to manage shipments efficiently by calculating the best routes, estimating transportation costs, and generating digital invoices.
- Knapsack Algorithm: Optimizes the selection of items for shipment based on weight and value.
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: Computes the shortest paths between ports to minimize transportation costs.
- KMP String Search: Verifies if the specified ports are available for transportation.
- Port Management: Supports multiple ports worldwide for efficient shipment management.
- Digital Invoice Generation: Provides a detailed invoice with income, transportation costs, GST, and profit.
- User-Friendly Menu: Interactive options for entering items, managing weights, calculating routes, and generating bills.
The program currently supports the following ports:
- Mangalore (India)
- Port Blair (India)
- Vladivostok (Russia)
- Port of Neom (Saudi Arabia)
- Southampton (UK)
- Cape Town (South Africa)
- Miami (USA)
- Osaka (Japan)
- Brisbane (Australia)
The following graph represents the connected ports and the cost of transportation between them. Each node corresponds to a port, and the edges indicate the routes between ports, with weights representing the cost of traversal. This graph is a key input for the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which calculates the shortest paths between all pairs of ports.
- A C++ compiler (e.g., GCC, Clang, or Visual Studio).
- Basic understanding of C++ programming.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/dibya-roy-sundar/Cargo_Shipment_Logistic_Optimizer cd Cargo_Shipment_Logistic_Optimizer
Compile the program:
g++ -o cargo_shipment_logistic_optimizer main.cpp
Run the program:
Follow the menu options to:
- Enter and manage shipment items.
- Calculate optimal shipment routes.
- Generate a digital invoice.
- Enter Items: Input weights and values for shipment items.
- Add New Items: Add additional items to the existing shipment.
- Delete Items: Remove specific items from the shipment.
- Send Shipment: Calculate the optimal route and transportation cost.
- Generate Bill: Generate a detailed invoice for the shipment.
- Exit: Exit the program.
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm: Used to calculate the paths with minimum transportation cost between all pairs of ports.
- 0/1 Knapsack Algorithm: Determines the most valuable combination of items that fit within the ship's capacity.
- KMP String Search: Ensures accurate port name matching to validate port availability for shipments.
1. Enter Items
2. Add New Items
3. Delete Items
4. Send Shipment
5. Generate Bill
6. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
| Port Name |
| Mangalore(India) |
| Port Blair(India) |
| Vladivostok(Russia) |
| Port Of Neom(Saudi Arabia) |
| Southampton(UK) |
| Cape Town(SA) |
| Miami(USA) |
| Osaka(Japan) |
| Brisbane(Australia) |
Enter the port name: mangalore
Ship is available for transportation from that port.....
Enter the number of items: 3
Enter the weight and value of each item:
Item 1 weight: 5
Item 1 value: 10
Item 2 weight: 15
Item 2 value: 20
Item 3 weight: 12
Item 3 value: 15
Enter the capacity of ship: 30
Income from selected items is Rs 35 K
Items selected :
Item no. 3
Item no. 2
1. Enter Items
2. Add New Items
3. Delete Items
4. Send Shipment
5. Generate Bill
6. Exit
Enter your choice: 4
| Code | Port Name |
| 0 | Mangalore(India) |
| 1 | Port Blair(India) |
| 2 | Vladivostok(Russia) |
| 3 | Port of Neom(Saudi Arabia)|
| 4 | Southampton(UK) |
| 5 | Cape Town(SA) |
| 6 | Miami(USA) |
| 7 | Osaka(Japan) |
| 8 | Brisbane(Australia) |
Enter the destnation port Code you want deliver : 5
Minimum Transportation Cost = 8
Best Route :
Mangalore --> Port of Neom --> Cape Town
1. Enter Items
2. Add New Items
3. Delete Items
4. Send Shipment
5. Generate Bill
6. Exit
Enter your choice: 5
Your Digital Invoice
FROM Mangalore TO Cape Town
Time : Mon Dec 30 03:33:20 2024
Income from selected Items Rs 35000
Items total weight loaded : 27 Tonnes
Total Transportation Cost : 8000
Remaining Amount Rs 27000
GST(18%) Rs. 4860
Total Profit Rs. 22140
1. Enter Items
2. Add New Items
3. Delete Items
4. Send Shipment
5. Generate Bill
6. Exit
Enter your choice: 6