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Milestones 1 (Ws18 19)

Clemens Damke edited this page Nov 4, 2018 · 13 revisions
Work package Name Visualizations as plugin
ID 0
Summary Coming up with a description format for visualizations that can be directly plugged into IDA with help of a generic visualization framework.
Start Date 2018-10-23
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 0.0 Study all the current visualizations and decide upon a common specification document.
Task 0.1 Generate documents for the visualizations.
Task 0.2 Develop logic for IDA backend and frontend to invoke the visualization
Deliverable Deliverable 0 - A working demonstration with the plugin visualizations of bar-graphs, force-directed graphs, venn diagram, sequence sunburst and hex-map.
Responsible Member(s) Faisal, Nikit
Work package Name UI Beautification
ID 1
Summary Designing a better and more responsive UI + fixing the existing UI shortcomings/bugs
Start Date 2018-10-23
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 1.0 Study the current code and decide upon the shortcoming/bugs
Task 1.1 Implement new fixes
Deliverable Deliverable 1.0 - A more responsive UI with error and bugs fixes
Responsible Member(s) Nabil
Work package Name DataDumps as plugin
ID 2
Summary Implement a flexible documentation scraper. Design a universal datadump format that can be used to generate calls to arbitrary Python or Java libraries.
Start Date 2018-10-23
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 2.0 Research scraping approaches. Determine the flexibility and configurability that will be necessary for the scraper.
Task 2.1 Develop the configurable scraper.
Task 2.2 Configure the scraper for scikit.
Deliverable Deliverable 2.0 Configurable documentation scraper
Deliverable 2.1 Scraper configurations for scikit
Deliverable 2.2 Scraped documentation datadumps
Responsible Member(s) Clemens
Work package Name Logs Creation
ID 3
Summary Using spring Aop to provide universal logging of all the exceptions and method calls.
Start Date 2018-10-23
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 3.0 Implement universal logging in backend application.
Task 3.1 POC for Logging using Spring AOP.
Task 3.2 Integration and Implementation of logging in all the webservices.
Task 3.3 Testing of log creation for all services.
Deliverable Deliverable 3.0 Exception Logging works on all the modules of ida webservices.
Responsible Member(s) Ayaz
Work package Name Uniform Dataset Format
ID 4
Summary Choosing uniform dataset format that can provide ease of performing operations such as (joins/filter/sort/elastic search etc). Also, implementation of adapters that can convert csv, xml and sql data into the choosen format.
Start Date 2018-10-30
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 1.0 Research for choosing best data format for our IDA
Task 1.1 Creation of Adapters with the ability to convert different data into our choosen format .
Deliverable Deliverable 1.0 Adapters which can convert different data format into one consistent data format
Deliverable 1.1 Ability to add any data set into IDA
Responsible Member(s) Maqbool ur Rahim Khan, Asjad Sohail
Work package Name Speech To Text Conversion
ID 5
Summary Implementation of API to provide speech to text input for IDA.
Start Date 2018-10-30
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 1.0 Doing research on existing speech to text conversion apps.
Task 1.1 Implementation/Adaptation of app to convert speech to text.
Deliverable Deliverable 1.0 REST API providing end point for speech to text conversion.
Responsible Member(s) Ali, Deepak
Work package Name Implementation of JUnit Tests
ID 6
Summary Implementation of JUnit tests for all the method calls involved in the following functionalities:
1. Load Dataset (Anu)
2. BarGraph Generation (Anu)
3. Force Directed Graph Generation (Nilanjan)
4. Data Clustering (Nilanjan)
Start Date 2018-10-30
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 6.0 Finding all the method calls for the aforementioned functionalities
Task 6.1 Implementation of JUnit Test cases for all the methods
Task 6.2 Ensuring the maximum possible code coverage through codecov
Deliverable Deliverable 6.0 JUnit tests implementation for IDA
Responsible Member(s) Nilanjan, Anu, Maqbool, Asjad
Work package Name IDA Deployment automation
ID 7
Summary Automating the deployment of IDA's required resources onto remote machine
Start Date 2018-10-30
End Date 2018-11-30
Tasks Task 7.0 Analyzing the manual deployment of IDA
Task 7.1 Creation and testing of WebHook to GitHub
Task 6.3 Integrating TravisCI to GitHub
Deliverable Deliverable 7.0 Automating the pipeline from commit to deploy.
Responsible Member(s) Aditya
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