Students Race is a web platform for learning the English language for Portuguese speakers. It was created in 2018 as a final project for the Technical Course in Computer Science at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (Barretos, São Paulo). Its development was carried out by myself and two talented friends: Sara Ferreira and Camila Fatarelli.
Home page:
In this project, users were able to learn English through content distributed in units and lessons, earning points throughout their development and also receiving motivational messages along their progress.
In addition to the lesson and learning units system, Students Race users can also access the word dictionary, which includes the English word, audio teaching its pronunciation, and an example of how to use the word in a sentence.
To manage Students Race, an administrative panel was developed where users with administrator permissions are enabled to make changes to the platform's system. In the initial panel, the administrator has a dynamic map of Brazil to get an overview of user distribution, as well as a real-time list of information below it.
In this panel, the administrator can also register new learning units, edit the existing ones, edit, add, and remove words from the dictionary, and register new administrators.
Students Race was a project that took almost 12 months to develop, and it was extremely rewarding to see its completion and the result it has achieved. It is an excellent platform and a great contribution to Brazilian education. The platform requires updates in terms of security and responsiveness, as well as a deeper foundation of words and learning lessons.
Hoje you enjoy it!
Diego Oliveira