Before we get started, please:
- Sign up for a GitHub account at
- Install Visual Studio Code:
- Install Git, following these instructions:
Repo or repository (n.) : A discrete project on GitHub that contains a set of files, a change history, and a set of contributors. (E.g. this one)
Fork (v.) : To copy a repo's files and version history to a new one with its own settings (preserves connection with original repo but doesn't interfere).
Clone (v.) : To download a local copy of a repo on GitHub with a tracked connection to the remote repo.
Local (adj.) : On your computer.
Remote (adj.) : On someone else's computer (aka 'the cloud').
Branch (n.) : A version of a repository with its own history. Branches can be created for a unique set of changes and later merged with the main branch to avoid file conflicts.
Commit (n.) : A discrete set of changes to a project that have been packaged and labeled.
# First level heading
## Second-level heading
Paragraph with **bold** text and *italicized* text.
[This is linked text](
![This is an image with alt text](imageurl.jpg)
See also this cheat sheet for more markdown syntax.
a change