Yeoman generator for a new ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web Client project using Angular 10.0.0
Important! As of October 2022 we deprecated the use of Angular as a frontend solution, as described in the Digipolis Antwerpen Application Stack (DAAS). This means that new frontend solutions should always be built using React.js, while older projects can still upgrade to the latest version of Angular (and accompanying components).
Always check for the latest news and guidelines concerning Antwerp's digital branding guidelines.
Make sure you have installed a recent version of node.js. You can download it here :
Install Yeoman :
npm install yo -g
The -g flag installs the generator globally so you can run yeoman from anywhere.
Install the generator :
It is recommended to first uninstall any current installed version before installing the latest version to avoid remains of previous versions in the npm cache.
npm uninstall generator-dgp-web-aspnetcore -g
Install the current version.
npm install generator-dgp-web-aspnetcore -g
In a command prompt, navigate to the directory where you want to create the new project and type :
yo dgp-web-aspnetcore
Answer the questions :-)
Enter your application Id, which you can find in AppConfig, in _config\app.json. It will be used in the StartUp class -> ConfigureServices -> services.AddApplicationServices
Almost everything is preset for logging to Kibana. Enter the name of your logging index in _config\logging.json -> "indexFormat": "logstash-{tenant}-{your logging index goes here}-{0:yyyy.MM.dd}" . The maximum length of tenant (application- or system-) and logging index name is 30 characters !
Pull requests are always welcome, however keep the following things in mind:
- New features (both breaking and non-breaking) should always be discussed with the repo's owner. If possible, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Fork this repo and issue your fix or new feature via a pull request.
- Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. Also check possible linting errors and update the CHANGELOG if applicable.
Erik Seynaeve ([email protected])