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Homebrew based development environment (PHP, Nodejs, etc)

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Homebrew based Development Environment


Tested on macOS (Intel / Apple Silicon), Linux (x86_64 / aarch64) / Windows 10/11 (x86_64) over WSL
Supported CMS and Frameworks: Symfony, Laravel, Yii v1/v2, Magento v1/v2, OroCommerce/OroCRM/OroPlatform, AkeneoPIM, Wordpress, and more


1. Install Required Tools

  • Macos
    • xcode-select --install
  • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)
    • sudo apt install -yq curl git patch systemtap-sdt-dev build-essential python3
  • Linux (OpenSUSE 15+)
    • sudo zypper install curl git patch systemtap-sdt-devel gcc python3 or sudo transactional-update pkg install curl git patch systemtap-sdt-devel python3 gcc
  • Linux (Fedora 40+)
    • sudo dnf install -y curl git patch systemtap-sdt-devel python3
    • sudo dnf groupinstall -y "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"
  • Windows (10/11)
    • Enable WSL2
    • Install one of supported Linux OS from Windows Store
    • Follow related Linux steps

2. Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
BREW_BIN=$(find /opt/homebrew/bin /usr/local/bin /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin -name "brew" 2> /dev/null); [ -f "${BREW_BIN}" ] \
&& (echo; echo 'eval "$('${BREW_BIN}' shellenv)"') | tee -a $HOME/.zprofile | tee -a $HOME/.bashrc \
&& eval "$(${BREW_BIN} shellenv)"

3. Add Homebrew Taps

brew tap digitalspacestdio/ngdev
brew tap digitalspacestdio/php

4. Install Base Packages

brew install digitalspace-supervisor digitalspace-nginx digitalspace-traefik digitalspace-dnsmasq digitalspace-allutils

3. Install PHP

The latest release version

brew install php-common

Optionally install additional versions

brew install php81-common php74-common php56-common

select any of version you need just by changing the name to phpXX-common, where XX is the first two numbers of the php version without dots available versions: 8.4, 8.3, 8.2, 8.1, 8.0, 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0, 5.6

6. Install Composer (optional)

brew install composer@2

7. Install Databases (optional)


brew install digitalspace-redis

PostgreSQL 15

brew install digitalspace-postgresql15

MySQL 8.0

brew install digitalspace-mysql80

MySQL 5.7

brew install digitalspace-mysql57

8. Install Self-signed Root Certificate


sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA/root_ca.crt

Debian|Ubuntu Linux / Windows WSL

# Create folder
sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/extra

# Copy the CRT cert 
sudo cp $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA/root_ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/extra/

# Reconfigure
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates

# Update
sudo update-ca-certificates

# Update NSS Storage (required for Chrome Browser)
sudo apt install libnss3-tools

certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t "C,," -n "Local Development" -i $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA/root_ca.crt

# Check NSS Storage
certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -L

Fedora Linux / Windows WSL

# Convert CRT to PEM
openssl x509 -in $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA/root_ca.crt -out $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA/root_ca.pem -outform PEM

# Move the PEM cert
sudo mv $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA/root_ca.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/

# Update the CA trust
sudo update-ca-trust

If you want re-generate the root certificate you need to remove certificates folder by following command: rm -rf $(brew --prefix)/etc/openssl/localCA and resinstall the digitalspace-local-ca formula: brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies digitalspace-local-ca && brew install digitalspace-local-ca

9. Enable and Start Dnsmasq Service


10. Enable and Start Supervisor Service


11. Verify that Supervisor Services Started Successfully

digitalspace-supctl status

12. Create an Example Project and Test it

Create the new project dir in following path: ~/www/dev/hello/%2nd_level_domain%/%3rd_level_domain%

mkdir -p ~/www/dev/hello

By default dns and web-server configured for domains in the .dev.local pool

Create index.php

echo '<?php phpinfo();' > ~/www/dev/hello/index.php

Open in the browser and check the result


Homebrew based development environment (PHP, Nodejs, etc)






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