Add entry point for the API of the CustomEntityBundle of Akeneo Labs.
You can install this bundle with composer:
php composer.phar require diglin/custom-entity-api-endpoint-bundle:1.*
Add at the end of app/config/routing.yml
, the following content:
resource: "@DiglinApiRefDataBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /api
and enable the bundle in the app/AppKernel.php
file in the registerProjectBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new \Diglin\Bundle\ApiRefDataBundle\DiglinApiRefDataBundle(),
Available API endpoint:
api_ref_data_reference_data_list GET /api/rest/v1/reference-data/{referenceName}
api_ref_data_reference_data_get GET /api/rest/v1/reference-data/{referenceName}/{code}
Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL)
- Sylvain Rayé
- @diglin_
- Follow me on github!