Using roBERTa symptom tracking (using NER) to find out what are the most common symptoms before and after COVID-19 in medical interviews.
This is a project for the course 'Natural Language and Dialogue Processing' in the bachelor Artificial Intelligence (University of Amsterdam).
I will be using the following datasets:
- COVID-19 Dialogue Datase (during/after covid)
- MedDialog Dataset (English) (before covid)
I will be using a pre-trained XLM-roBERTa model from huggingface ( The model is finetuned on NER ( on the BC5CDR dataset, which consists of 1500 PubMed articles with 4409 annotated chemicals, 5818 diseases and 3116 chemical-disease interactions.
TODO: explain workings of roBERTa :)
- Find a pre-trained roBERTa on medical dialogue data
- Use pre-trained roBERTa to extract symptoms from medical dialogue before and after COVID-19
- Display most common symtoms
- Model evaluation