CoFinder is a Mobile Application to help people find business Partner with the same vision.
Load the dataset from the ML branch with the link that is provided in the notebook. Preprocess the dataset to prepare for training. Create a Dataset object for every personality. Training and validating the model. Save the model and upload it to a virtual machine on the cloud. Download the server source code in the cloud branch Before you run the server you must download python3 in your server Install all requirement that provide in requirement.txt Call command python3, it will load the model and set an API so the application can call for prediction. If you wanna try the Android app you can download it in the mobile branch Then built the application using Android studio The Application calls the API with the text data for prediction and then gets the result from server response.
- Akhmad Lazuardi - Cloud Computing
- Joseph Rudolf M. - Cloud Computing
- Brilian Ade Putra - Android Development
- Audrey Ardelia - Android Development
- Dimi Karillah P - Machine Learning
- [Shavina Risqia D.] - Machine Learning
This is Special Project for Bangkit 2021 capstone Project
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