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BICSEQ2 pipeline for processing CPTAC3 somatic WGS CNA


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BIC-Seq2 details: BICSEQ2 V1 Ding Lab github project:

Background reading on creating mappability track:

Note that there seems to be newer version of GEM mappability tools here: * Yige says that it does not have some required features implemented.

V2 details


Working on implementing single-sample analysis in docker container which will run in CWL.


Docker image: mwyczalkowski/bicseq2



A number of steps iterate over chromosomes. These are defined in file CHRLIST (named chromosome.txt in V1). Note that (unlike V1) strings in CHRLIST are used verbatim (not adding chr as prefix)

Project configuration file

Define common parameters in the project configuration file (this is distinct from normalization config file, norm-config, written in run_norm step). This is a bash script which is sourced by each step



  • Prepare dependencies
    • Obtain reference per chromosome
    • generates mapping files
      • specific to reference
      • dependent on read length (150 currently used)
      • Takes long time to run. Can use cached results XXX TODO
      • Example filename: GRCh38.d1.vd1.150mer.chr1.txt
      • Output / mappability directory is $MAPD
    • generates annotation bed files
      • Based on gencode GFF file
  • Per sample
    • get read positions, i.e., locations of unique mapped reads (.seq "readPos" file)
      • Usage: [options] BAM
      • Input:
        • BAM file
        • sample name: Unique name for this run. In V1, sample name of form "Case_SampleType"
        • Optional CHRLIST, a file with list of chromosomes which are analyzed in parallel
      • Output
        • Directory is $SEQD
        • filename is $SAMPLE_NAME.seq (or $SAMPLE_NAME.$CHR.seq when iterating over chrom)
      • stores all the mapping positions of all reads that uniquely mapped to this chromosome
      • May run per chrom in parallel iterating over chromosome.txt
    • run normalization step
      • Run script /NBICseq-norm_v0.2.4/
      • Requires CHRLIST
      • Requires SAMPLE_NAME
      • Output directory is $NORMD. Files written:
        • Configuration (norm-config) file {SAMPLE_NAME}.config.txt
        • PDF written as {SAMPLE_NAME}.GC.pdf
        • parameter estimate output in {SAMPLE_NAME}.out.txt. Not used
        • Normalized data, per chrom, written to {SAMPLE_NAME}.{CHR}.norm.bin
        • Tmp directory $OUTD/tmp created and passed as argument to
      • Creates normalization configuration (norm-config) file of format specified by,
        • 1 row per chrom, as per CHRLIST. For each, list
          • reference sequence per chrom
          • mappability file per chrom
          • seq (readPosFile) per chrom
          • output filename (binFile)
        • Note that we are working with arrays of files, with path written to norm-config file
          • for CWL this may complicate staging, may require .tar.gz to pass data around
          • For now, focus on docker implementation and have paths as well as filenames defined in project config file
            • Filenames are passed as strings with %s which will be replaced by CHROM
    • - run segmentation step
      • Run BICSeq Detect step
    • Gene annotation - run gene annotation step
      • requires gene annotation bed file

Note that processing here is per-sample. Additional post-processing may be performed to merge per-sample gene annotation results; for guidance see section which writes to $geneLevelOut in original

Input to run_norm

  • faFile is the reference sequence of this chromosome
    • per-chrom
    • path:
    • filename:
  • MapFile is the mappability file of this chromosome
    • Created with make_mappability step
    • needs to be generated per-chrom
  • readPosFile stores all the mapping positions of all reads that uniquely mapped to this chromosome
    • I think created in get_uniq step
  • binFile is the file that stores the normalized data. The data will be binned with the bin size as specified by the option -b
    • Seems that this is output

The tricky part here is that to make looping easier I need to make assumptions about filenames; that, or need to develop some reporting mechanism where those modules which generate data share it, or else just some centralized naming scheme. Maybe pass around strings like "ref.chr%s.fa" which can be used in a printf statement

Testing log

  • 12/24/18: testing on katmai: /home/mwyczalk_test/Projects/BICSEQ2/testing/direct_call
    • writes to /diskmnt/Datasets/Reference/GRCh38.d1.vd1/gem_mapping
    • increased threading count to same as what Yige used, 8 and 80
  • 12/24/18: It may be better to move forward using the mapping files on katmai here:
    • /diskmnt/Projects/CPTAC3CNV/BICSEQ2/inputs/GRCh38.d1.vd1.fa.150mer
    • Note that for the Manta Demo dataset, .sizes output is /diskmnt/Projects/CPTAC3CNV/BICSEQ2/inputs/GRCh38.d1.vd1.fa.150mer.sizes
       chr2  AC    242193529
       chr3  AC    198295559```
    Column 1 of above is e.g. "chr1  AC", which seems incorrect.
    This link [] does *not* include the awk step between the gem-2-wig and wigToBigWig
    steps (unlike Yige's code)
    With awk step removed, code now runs to completion on MantaDemo
  • 12/31/18: successful test of make_mappability in container using MantaDemo

V1 details

Steps from

  • Stages chromosomes.txt
  • git clone CPTAC3.catalog
  • wget NBICseq-norm_v0.2.4.tar.gz
  • wget NBICseq-seg_v0.7.2.tar.gz
  • obtain samtools-0.1.7a_getUnique-0.1.3
  • stages reference (copy)
  • stages per-chrom reference (wget)
  • makes "mappability file".
    • tests for and generates data produced by the following:
      • gem-indexer - included in gem libraries
      • gem-mappability - included in gem libraries
      • gem-2-wig - included in gem libraries
      • wigToBigWig
      • bigWigToBedGraph
    • Mappability file format: ${refFile}.${readLength}mer.chr20.txt
  • Output on katmai here: /diskmnt/Projects/CPTAC3CNV/BICSEQ2/inputs
  1. run_uniq
  1. run_norm
  • writes config and command files, the latter which calls BICSeq2/NBICseq-norm_v0.2.4/
  • Documentation:
  • This assumes per-chrom reference and prior processing
  1. run_detect
  • Calls BICSeq2/NBICseq-seg_v0.7.2/
  • implements GNU parallel calls
  1. get_gene_level_cnv
  • runs bedtools intersect | python
  • concatenates data

Work at MGI

Project directory by Yige at MGI: /gscmnt/gc2521/dinglab/yigewu/Projects/CPTAC3CNV/BICSEQ2/BICSEQ2.CCRCC.hg38 Snapshot of this directory taken 12/21/18: /gscmnt/gc2521/dinglab/yigewu/Projects/CPTAC3CNV/BICSEQ2/BICSEQ2.CCRCC.hg38.tar.gz

  • installed here as ./BICSEQ2.yigewu.MGI.20181221


BICSEQ2 pipeline for processing CPTAC3 somatic WGS CNA







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