👉 My note: Docker.
# Build an image
docker build -t <image_name> . -f Dockerfile
# Create a container
docker run --name container_ai --gpus all -v /home/thi/git/:/git/ -dp 8888:8888 -dp 6789:22 -w="/git" -it img_ai bash
# List all containers
docker ps -a
# List all images
docker images
# Delete
docker rm <container_name/id>
docker iamge rm <image_name/id>
# List all dangling images
docker images -f dangling=true
# Check os info
cat /etc/os-release
# check gpu availability
# check cuda version
nvcc --version | grep "release"
# Check version
pip show tensorflow
pip show tensorflow-gpu
pip show torch
# check: pytorch + gpu?
python3 # enter to python env
import torch
# check: tensorflow + gpu?
python3 # enter to python env
import tensorflow as tf