Tries to do two simple things:
- use python's subliminal for downloading subtitles
- load any subtitles found within movie folder
- linux, windows
- mpv player
- python with subliminal (version(s) 1.0.1+ work fine, older will not). [ pip for easy peasy installation is recommended]
- copy script to ~/.config/mpv/scripts (for some older versions than 0.9.2 it will propably be a slight different path; check here)
- press "s" while playing a movie and after some time you will see an osd message indicating status (the subtitle will be automatically donwloaded and loaded)
- Assumes subliminal is available from terminal (if you use it from a non-default path you need to update line 38)
- Downloads English subtitles (if you require other languages you need to update line 38)
- As it captures console output with Lua system calls i doubt it will work in windows without changes