This is a LAMP-based environment for ILIAS development. The ILIAS source can be downloaded automatically from github, svn, or SourceForge.
Ensure Vagrant and Virtual Box are installed.
Clone this repository.
Open up terminal, change directory to the git repo root
Optional: If you don't want to clone the ILIAS source from github, or change cloning parameters (
--depth=1 --branch=release_5-0
), you have to change the puppet filemodules/ilias/manifests/init.pp
according to your desired source (SourceForge is quickest, github is more up to date, svn is no longer used by the ILIAS devs) -
Start the vagrant box.
$ vagrant up
You're all set up. You may restart the machine with vagrant reload
. The ILIAS instance will be accessible at http://localhost:8888. From here you can begin to initially run the ILIAS setup procedure.
- Data Directory outside Webspace: /opt/ilias/iliasdata
- Path to Log File: /opt/ilias/shared/logs/ilias.log
- Create New Client ...
At later stages you probably adapt the Vagrant and Puppet configurations to your needs.
- The puppet provisioner ensures that the newest ILIAS version has been downloaded from, unzip and linked into the webroot.
- All necessary PHP libraries are ensured to be installed.
- MySQL Server is set up with the user "root" and password "ilias".
- The folder "shared" at the host system is mounted to "/opt/ilias/shared".
- ILIAS and Apache logs will be shared with the host system via "/opt/ilias/shared/logs"
The Vagrant configuration is based to some extend on "LAMP Stacks Made Easy with Vagrant & Puppet" ( and also on the ILIAS Installation and Maintenance instructions for Ubuntu/Debian []